Missing trust

In March 2020 the government issued reports by modelling experts and Covid was managed, in my opinion, as it should be. Today, more than a year-and-a-half later, no further modelling reports by experts were issued on the Covid-19 or Ministry of Health websites.

Are we to believe that nothing has changed, and that no new advice has been received?

How can there be political discussion if the government hides scientific advice? If they are 'the source of truth”, why do they not tell us the scientific reports on the modelled number of hospitalisations and deaths for 2022?

Is it to use ‘fear of the unknown' to get the public to comply with government health orders? How are we to trust that job dismissals are worth the harm to families' earnings and child welfare? Have people been dismissed without scientific modelling of job dismissals on public health? If not, where's the scientific modelling to support job dismissals, and the public discussion on the modelling of redundancies?

Andrew Clow, Te Puna.

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