Councillors challenged over debt claims

Criticism levelled at city councillors over a pre-election claim about city rates being lower, has resulted in a back-down by two of the councillors involved.

Councillors Bev Edlin, Bill Grainger, and deputy mayor Kelvin Clout appeared in a column in the Welcome Bay, Hairini, Ohauiti, Maungatapu, Poike community publication, The Whomp.

City councillor and mayoral candidate John Robson.

Mayoral candidate John Robson called attention to the publication, saying claims made in the column by the councillors are inaccurate and misleading.

The councilors claim the current council has lowered rates, which they say has been achieved.

'The rates haven't gone down, they have gone up - by significantly more than inflation,” says John.

'They also make reference to the significant change in the debt/revenue ratio. But if you look at the track for debt, what you have here is a blip produced by asset sales, development contributions coming in early, and delayed capital projects.”

The lowered debt/revenue ratio was reported on SunLive in July, with John predicting then that some councillors would campaign on the lowered debt which he describes as a ‘blip'. High debt levels return next year.

When contacted by SunLive, Kelvin Clout agreed the second paragraph could have been worded better.

'Many councillors did campaign on reducing rates, although it was reducing the percentage increase in rates that should have been more clearly put in that particular sentence,” says Kelvin.

'Clearly councils generally do not reduce rates, but in terms of the percentage increase our council has definitely been successful in doing that.”

Bill Grainger says the second paragraph should have been worded ‘reduce the rates percentage increase'.

'Why I say that is in my past rates increases were above the ten per cent,” says Bill.

'What we have been trying to do is lower that rates increase or percentage increase down to a lot lower level.

'It's an apology. I didn't pick it up, Bev prepared it. We all missed it and it's probably a mistake.”

Bill and Kelvin say the reason the whole council was included in the list of council achievements during the triennium, is because the whole council has taken part in all the things that they have done.

Bev, Bill and Kelvin have been part of The Whomp magazine since it started, says Bill.

If they did not mention the other councillors, he says John Robson would then be asking why they were not all involved when they stated the work the council has been done.

'Because we are all working as a collective and we should be very proud of the achievements we have made,” says Kelvin.

John says the list of initiatives is an over-claim.

'And the things we haven't advanced - our failures - seem to be missing from the list. So it's decidedly unbalanced. It gives a misleading view of the council and that's unreasonable.”

Bev says the information in The Whomp article was checked by four other councillors.

She wrote it and sent to a number of councillors who were happy that it would be published with their approval.

The debt/revenue figures of 244 per cent three years ago to a low this year of 197 per cent is from figures produced by the Finance and Rick Committee which John Robson chairs, says Bev.

'The figures are correct. It's the meaning or interpretation of them. They are the standard way that we produce the figures but an explanation behind them is always helpful.”

John says he wants nothing to do with it.

He says Kelvin has no excuse for using the debt/revenue percentage because he has a business degree.

'He's a mayoral candidate and in the last campaign he talked about going through the budget line by line. I'm not aware that he ever did that, but he has no excuse. The man has a business degree.”

Kelvin says the debt figure is as stated at the end of June, and agrees it will certainly climb back up again.

'That was only a point in time,” says Kelvin.

The Whomp claims are factually inaccurate, unbalance and misleading, says John.

'And then it's signed off as authorised by ward councillors on behalf of all Tauranga city councillors,” says John. 'I don't need anyone to speak for me and I certainly haven't authorized this.”

Council debt at June 30 was $297 million compared with a budget of $355 million. It was achieved by putting off expected spending on capital projects like the Marine Precinct, there was an unbudgeted $10 in revenue from land sales, and an early $10 million in revenue from development contributions.

'It sounds good. Some politician will be parading that as a proof that we got the debt down,” says John at the time.

'We flogged some land, the development contributions are coming in quicker than forecast, and we haven't delivered on capital projects for various reasons. In 2016/17 the debt is going to be back up to where it's forecast.”


Go John

Posted on 22-08-2016 09:58 | By waiknot

Well said


Posted on 22-08-2016 10:08 | By Chris

Politicians being dishonest? Say it isn't so, what is the world coming to?


Posted on 22-08-2016 10:49 | By Capt_Kaveman

the self promotion begins, he should know John was part of the so called flood levi which never got spent where it should have been

Some call it smoke and mirrors - I call it deception!

Posted on 22-08-2016 12:22 | By Rolly

Well, well, well the truth is in the detail. Council and its merry band of obedient councillors seem to make a regular habit of portraying and presenting things in an inaccurate, unbalanced or misleading way. Good on you John for pointing out some small detail that actually makes a big difference. Whether it be council debt, council buildings or councils compliant organisations, integrity seems to be a thing of the past.

What about stormwater levy Cr Robson

Posted on 22-08-2016 13:33 | By Annalist

Where does the stormwater levy fit into rates rises? Was it smoke and mirrors to call it a levy instead of a rates increase? What is your response to that Cr Robson?

rates and debt

Posted on 22-08-2016 13:57 | By phoenix

At election time councils switch on to presenting the Best possible out-look,in order to get re-elected. Surprise,surprise.

Go Bev

Posted on 22-08-2016 14:19 | By S Morris

I'd trust Bev above some others any day

Robson's Pay

Posted on 22-08-2016 18:28 | By sobeit

At the last election John Robson said he would put his Councillor pay into a Trust Account and ask the electorate at the end of the three year term if he had lived up to his promise. Surprise surprise but we've heard nought. The stormwater levy is arates rise no matter how you dress it up .John is another spender of rates. All in our best interest of course. How about just giving your pay back to ratepayers.

@ Annalist

Posted on 22-08-2016 19:26 | By Colleen Spiro

email and ask him.....he doesn't do FB

Well put John

Posted on 23-08-2016 12:36 | By Accountable

It appears that Councillor Edlin has got it very wrong. Not a good look from her. Will there be an apology forthcoming from her? It appears she certainly owes Councillor Robson one.

Truth of it

Posted on 23-08-2016 13:32 | By Crash test dummies

Good to see it out there and debated, clearly some don't know what they have written or read and the true meaning of it.


Posted on 23-08-2016 20:27 | By ROCCO

If these 3 dills (its actually 5) in this little clique can't understand or comprehend TCC ratepayers are still having significant annual rate increases with more scheduled then there is little or no hope they will ever come to grips with TCC finances so hence the way these dreamboats vote day after day.

For clarity

Posted on 24-08-2016 12:14 | By Catherine Stewart

For clarity, the majority of elected members were unaware that this article was going to be published in Whomp, nor was permission sought to put all our names with article. Catherine Stewart

How do they get away with this

Posted on 24-08-2016 21:27 | By kellbell

This little groups attempt at self aggrandizement has failed and it is clear they did not speak for all TCC Councillors so who actually gave them the authority to print this nonsense.The initiatives listed in many cases had nothing to do with their input or were outright failures or will fail.

@ kellbell

Posted on 25-08-2016 15:51 | By Crash test dummies

I can not find anything on the list that is good for ratepayers?

How about this for openers

Posted on 31-08-2016 23:13 | By ROCCO

Haven't seen anything that looks like a retraction or apology yet so that tells a story in itself.


Posted on 02-09-2016 21:29 | By Crash test dummies

Bring it on mate, good to hear this stuff as needs to be said.

The debt

Posted on 03-09-2016 11:58 | By Crash test dummies

Looks to be a lot of gaps between what the candidates are crowing about and the actual results achieved.

gaps widen?

Posted on 05-09-2016 13:43 | By Crash test dummies

If Councillors can not give the same numbers when they are feed the same stuff every day for three years there is a serious problem.

Falling between the cracks ?

Posted on 06-09-2016 12:19 | By kellbell

That would be an understatement this lot wouldn't know what time of day it was let alone what happened over the past 3years so don't give them another crack at it for god's sake.

Debt gap

Posted on 15-09-2016 13:03 | By Crash test dummies

So to be clear, some Councillors think the debt is coming down and others think it is going up.

Debt gap #2

Posted on 15-09-2016 15:59 | By Crash test dummies

Are they looking at the same bit of paper or are some wearing 'rose-tinted' glasses.

Robsons Right -Vote him in

Posted on 16-09-2016 16:15 | By ROCCO

Go read the centre page in today's Sun and last weeks back page it is very enlightening on what is going down here and we need someone like Robson to pull this lot back into line.

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