Continue to ask

The Council have responded. However they have not answered the questions. Very cunningly they have attempted to avoid 'fronting up” with answers. Behaving like this indicates they have things to hide! Even us 'silly ratepayers” know that local authorities are *audited by Audit New Zealand on an annual basis.* An independent (not associated in any way)audit will identify many many things that Audit NZ will not and do not see. I know this from personal experience.
Via Sun Live I again ask the questions.
1) What is the ‘actual' cost to ratepayers of providing a cafe for TCC staff?
2. What was the cost comparison with alternatives?
3. What where the alternatives that were considered?
5. When will the council get an independent staff audit done?
The council is being very mischievous (IMO) by ‘responding' as opposed to ‘answering' the questions. What do we ‘The Ratepayer” have to do to get TCC to be upfront, show respect for the people instead of consistently showing contempt? As long as this paper will print 'my messages/questions” I will continue to ask. If I have to attend public meetings to get an answer so be it. That of course will include pre election meetings. If TCC can not answer these simple questions (without appearing to be deceptive, devious, crafty) how are they going to answer the more complex ones.
Thanks Sun Live for your efforts.
N. Barker, Tauranga.


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