Work is about to start on a new bus stop facility in the Tauranga city centre.
"The six new bus stop bays, on southern Durham St, will join other Tauranga City Council projects aimed at giving people more choice when travelling to and from our city centre," said a council spokesperson.
Contractors expect to start preparatory work next week, with the main works to start from Monday, January 20.
The aim is to finish in April.
Southern Durham St will often need to reduce to one lane, with the northbound lane remaining open. At times, both lanes will need to close outside peak travel periods. Traffic controllers and signs will re-direct traffic when this occurs.
"Contractors will do their best to minimise disruption, and the council asks that site workers be treated with patience and respect."
People with questions about the works can email
More information about the project here.
Posted on 11-01-2025 12:15 | By Let's get real
Can I join the city planning team please....
I might be overqualified though, because I think about the what ifs and try to plan ahead BEFORE I spend any money. I have never been to work just to eat my lunch either.
But all is well... It will only cost ratepayers less than a cup of coffee each and we have found more work to do, other than manage the requirements of any of the other suburbs. When's payday boss.
Lighting required.
Posted on 11-01-2025 13:16 | By Cynical Me
I wonder if they plan to have lights in these ones. The last lot didn't have any so after dark you sat in the dark.
The lights can be on a sensor so if not needed they go off. This is available in 2025
Buses banned
Posted on 12-01-2025 07:58 | By NZoldkiwi
Remove bus parks from downtown so people can get a park and get Tauranga moving again. The town is now full of bus parks with no buses in them and very few people on them if any at all.
Posted on 12-01-2025 08:39 | By Thats Nice
Please stop spending money on a ghost town of a cbd. Theres minimal people there to use any facilities let alone shops as they have all gone.
Back to the future
Posted on 12-01-2025 09:45 | By bigted
The previous Durham St upgrade was hugely costly to businesses and ratepayers. Thanks Larry. This was going to be the "new" center of town,- Idyllic with a students' corner, coffee, umbrellas etc etc. This clearly did not happen.
Furthermore, four months to put in six bus stops? Ohhhh pleeeeeease
Council are now throwing more money at a very bad idea, hoping that this will "revitalise" the CBD. History tells us that this will not happen.
Posted on 12-01-2025 12:59 | By DelboyNZ
I wish they'd stop using phrases such as "more choice" - putting in new bus stops in itself does not give people more choice for travelling. They used a similar tired cliché with the Cameron Road project "more ways to travel" - all absolute nonsense, just trying to justify the works.
Agree with Delboy
Posted on 12-01-2025 16:58 | By Kancho
So much spin , so much good money after bad. The buses are mostly a financial liability and are unattractive. I previously enjoyed a practical bus ride on the previous operator and route however the current routes don't work as it at least doubles or more the time for a journey with bus changes . Sadly whilst I would like to use the bus it just takes too long
@ bigted
Posted on 13-01-2025 10:29 | By Yadick
Fooling themselves, every project, big or small, they tell us that, that is the one that'll revitalize the CBD.
Let's all hold hands and dance round the mulberry bush - spin, spin, spin . . . and they all fall down.
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