Katikati Community Centre launches future fund

Katikati Community Centre is appealing to businesses and individuals to support their work. Pictured is general manager Nicky Austin.

Katikati Community Centre is facing the real possibility of having to reduce its services further if it does not secure a new source of income.

The centre is introducing the Katikati Future Fund which will allow businesses and community members to partner with it to support operation costs.

While the centre is “not currently in a position where it will have to close”, says general manager Nicky Austin, without a direct injection into operational costs they are facing a reduction in size.

“Along with all charities and not-for-profits in New Zealand at the moment, KCC faces significant challenges securing funding to support our services.

“Many of our grants have been significantly reduced and the loss of our Ministry of Social Development funded community connector service last year has meant that we are having to seriously consider diversifying our funding streams.”

The challenge is in operations and wages for staff to support projects.

“Running the centre, even at the most basic level [electricity, insurance, accountancy and audit fees, vehicle running costs, building maintenance] is expensive and these things are very difficult to secure funding for.”

KCC provides support services, advocates for local needs, offers workshops and courses and hosts cultural and recreational events.

Nicky worries many people who depend on them have nowhere else to go.

“We have consolidated our services as much as possible, but we are in a situation where if we have to cut any further, the neediest in our town are going to really suffer.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the centre received funding for its community connector service for three employees to support people during isolation. Funding ceased in 2023 but the demand for support continued, Nicky says. They still run the service.

The centre also runs the Christmas lunch, welcomes the RSE workers and runs a community breakfast.

The Katikati Future Fund offers 12-month packages for businesses, and individuals and families can show support by gifting a one-off payment, setting up a monthly payment or by a bequest in their will.

INFO Contact manager@katikaticommunity.nz


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