Iwi present Manahi Sword to new defence chief

Vice-Marshal Tony Davies, at a ceremony at Te Papaiouru Marae, in Ōhinemutu.The Manahi Sword has been presented back to Te Arawa by outgoing Chief of Defence Force Air Marshal Kevin Short, before being presented to his incoming replacement.

A symbol of an enduring and important relationship between the New Zealand Defence Force and Te Arawa iwi has been acknowledged in a ceremony in Rotorua. 

The Te Arawa Sword of Gallantry for Lance Sergeant Haane Manahi, known as the Manahi Sword, is traditionally given by the iwi to the Chief of Defence Force at the start of their time in office and is returned to the iwi when they relinquish command. 

The sword honours Lance Sergeant Manahi, DCM, who distinguished himself in the Second World War through exemplary conduct in storming the stronghold of Takrouna, in Tunisia, during the later stages of the North Africa campaign.  

Vice-Marshal Tony Davies, at a ceremony at Te Papaiouru Marae, in Ōhinemutu.The Manahi Sword has been presented back to Te Arawa by outgoing Chief of Defence Force Air Marshal Kevin Short, before being presented to his incoming replacement.

On Friday, the sword was presented back to his iwi at Te Papaiouru Marae, in Ōhinemutu, by outgoing Chief of Defence Force Air Marshal Kevin Short, before being presented to his incoming replacement, Air Vice-Marshal Tony Davies.

“I feel incredibly honoured to become the caretaker of this very precious piece of military history, which is also a symbol of enduring respect and close relationships,” says Air Vice-Marshal Davies.

“The Manahi Sword will serve to ground me in my new role as steward of the Defence Force, and the great responsibility I have to the people who serve within our ranks.”

The Manahi Sword has been presented back to Te Arawa by outgoing Chief of Defence Force Air Marshal Kevin Short, before being presented to his incoming replacement. Photo: Supplied.

Outgoing Chief of Defence Force Air Marshal Short says while the sword had sat in pride of place in his Wellington office during his tenure, he had also taken the opportunity to wear the sword in moments of great importance.

“It was my honour to be a kaitiaki of this taonga, and the very special bond that it signifies between the NZDF and Te Arawa,” says Air Marshall Short.

“The Manahi Sword served as a daily reminder to me that with leadership comes great responsibility, as seen through the example of Lance Sergeant Haane Manahi.

“I was very proud to wear the sword on a number of special occasions, including events such as royal visits.”

A pōwhiri at Tamatekapua meeting house.  Photo: Sipplied.

The sword was handed back to Te Arawa in the presence of Lance Sergeant Manahi’s descendants, following a pōwhiri at Tamatekapua meeting house. 

Also during the ceremony, the outgoing Warrant Officer of the Defence Force, Warrant Officer Class 1 Mark ‘Titch’ Mortiboy, handed back a carved patuki, which was then presented to his replacement, Warrant Officer Class 1 Wiremu Moffitt. 

Before the ceremony, the NZDF delegation visited the soldiers’ cemetery at Muruika Urupā, and the gravesite of Lance Sergeant Manahi.  

Incoming Chief of Defence Force, Air Vice-Marshal Davies, will wear the Manahi Sword formally for the first time at a Change of Command Ceremony on Thursday, June 6, at Government House in Wellington.

The previous handover in 2018:

Background information:

Te Papaiouru is the marae of Ngāti Whakaue, a hapu (sub-tribe) of Te Arawa iwi, and the marae is closely associated with Lance Sergeant Haani Manahi.

A recommendation for a Victoria Cross (VC) was submitted by Lance Sergeant Manahi’s commander for his actions, but instead he was awarded an immediate Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM). Following his death in 1986, Lance Sergeant Manahi’s family, the RSA, and the New Zealand Government approached Queen Elizabeth II requesting his recommendation for the VC be reconsidered.

The Manahi Sword has been presented back to Te Arawa by outgoing Chief of Defence Force Air Marshal Kevin Short, before being presented to his incoming replacement. Photo: Supplied.

As no new medals for the Second World War were able to be awarded after 1949, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II presented Lance Sergeant Manahi’s family with a truly unique honour inspired by the famous line, 'For God! For King! And for Country!' from the marching song of the 28 (Maori) Battalion.
Note: The traditional spelling of 28 (Maori) Battalion, which includes no macron on the word ‘Māori’, reflects the spelling used at the time and in historical records.

‘For God’ was marked by the presentation of an altar cloth for Saint Faith’s Church, near Lance Sergeant Manahi’s burial place. A letter from The Queen acknowledging his bravery represented ‘For King', and a sword presented to Te Arawa by The Queen acknowledged ‘For Country’.

The sword is displayed in the office of the serving Chief of Defence Force for the duration of their tenure. It is returned to Te Arawa at the conclusion of each Chief of Defence Force’s term and is presented to the new Chief of Defence Force by Te Arawa at the beginning of their term in office.


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