SH2 roadworks on hold to ease traffic pressure

Major delays are expected in Tauranga and Mount Maunganui on Monday, and motorists are asked to delay travel, work from home or use alternative transport if possible.

Planned road works along State Highway 2 between Waihī and Tauranga are being put on hold for two nights.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi has made the decision to pull the planned chipsealing of State Highway 2 for tonight and tomorrow night because of the major traffic delays expected over the next 48 hours.

The pause in the chipsealing work between Tauranga and Waihī on Sunday, February 11, and Monday February 12, is to help ease traffic pressure coming into the city.

NZTA will instead be diverting resources to the State Highway 36 works.

The chip sealing work between Bethlehem and Te Puna on Friday resulted in traffic being gridlocked for hours on SH2. Photo: Supplied.

"Severe congestion is expected tomorrow, Monday 12 February, due to the sudden closure of a section of State Highway 29A near Oropi for emergency work, combined with a lane closure on Totara Street for Tauranga City Council road rebuilding work," says an NZTA spokesperson.

"Both are major routes in and out of Mount Maunganui."

NZTA suggests road users avoid travelling on Monday, work from home or use alternative transport if they can.  

The closure of State Highway 29A between Barkes Corner and Oropi Road Roundabout follows the discovery of a large tomo or cavity under the road on Friday evening.

A large hole has opened up under State Highway 29A between Barkes Corner and Oropi Roundabout, unexpectedly causing a closure of the road for emergency work to take place. Photo: NZTA Waka Kotahi.

"NZTA contractors are doing all they can to fix the road, including working through the night tonight, but the timeframe for re-opening is still unknown," says an NZTA spokesperson.

"Hewletts Road eastbound bus lane will be open for all vehicles going toward Maunganui Road to try and help the situation."

The work on Totara Street is expected to be complete by 6am Wednesday, February 14, with Tauranga City Council contractors working around the clock to finish as quickly as possible.

"While detours for both roads are available, heavy delays are inevitable and fewer vehicles on the network tomorrow will make a big difference to those who have to travel," says an NZTA spokesperson.

"NZTA thanks road users for their co-operation and patience."

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Nice work BUT

Posted on 11-02-2024 18:12 | By Potofstu

If they chipseal on a Thursday evening then nothing has been learned

lol cars...

Posted on 11-02-2024 22:11 | By This Guy

Enough to turn you into a cyclepath... - but seriously cars forever, more roads, more traffic! There is no other possible solution to this problem that building more roads can't fix. You notice how the people who say "human got on fine without phones before" aren't here saying the same thing about cars? That's because we all know cars have existed for the entirety of human history, and this crazy idea of being able to traverse anywhere without one is just a modern day "woke fairytale" from the car hating super-communists, who want nothing more than to destroy us all with their robust and highly accessible public transport service that works for everyone and is better for the environment! Disgraceful...

@ This Guy

Posted on 12-02-2024 11:00 | By Yadick

Great comment. Well written. However, according to Mr Google man hasn't always had a car.
January 29, 1886, Carl Benz applied for a patent for his “vehicle powered by a gas engine.” The patent – number 37435 – may be regarded as the birth certificate of the automobile.
Sorry, I just had to add that little fact in there :-)

@ Yadick

Posted on 12-02-2024 17:19 | By This Guy

Ah! but "That's just what they want you to think!" isn't it? (those ~magic words~ that make everything I say true and everything you say false) Next you'll be trying to tell me that we've been using these gas engines so much over the past century, that it's having some kind of negative effect on the environment - laughable!

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