Al fresco dining fees proposed for Tauranga venues

Businesses could have to pay to use the footpath for dining. Photo: Alisha Evans/ SunLive.

Tauranga businesses want the council to make it easier for them to use the footpath, rather than adding more regulations.

Tauranga City Council is proposing to charge per square metre for street dining in the city centre and Mount Maunganui.

The fees would help maintain and improve the spaces with the charging system phased in over time.

Hearings for the draft Street Use Policy were held at a Strategy, Finance and Risk Committee meeting today.

Downtown Tauranga chair Ashleigh Gee said the council should consult with businesses before creating more regulations.

Licences to occupy the street would be on a month-to-month basis.

Gee said the licences should be for at least six months or a year.

“Operators need certainty, we should be focusing on how to make it easier.”

The fees should be based on the amount of foot traffic, location and type of space each area had, she said.

Downtown Tauranga chair Ashleigh Gee said they should be making it easier for businesses. Photo: Alisha Evans/ SunLive.

“Considering the overall goal of increasing arts, culture and vibrancy for our region, [this] needs to be considered between developing further regulations on the hospitality industry.

“This industry is one of the main drawcards for our tourists.

“A council that considers this industry and works with them to elevate businesses will win.”

Mount Business Association representative Claudia West said a nominal fee, then a yearly licence fee might be accepted by businesses.

“If the charge is based on things like market rate of that space, then this might be thousands for businesses who are already paying premium rate to be in that location.

“If high charges were in place, then businesses would need to rethink their offering, or these costs would simply have to be passed on to the customer to make it viable to use the footpath space.

“If higher charges come in for businesses, this would have a massive impact on the look and feel of our main street.”

The council should look at Wellington and Hamilton’s street use policies, she said.

Mount Business Association representative Claudia West didn’t want the footpath charges to be based on market rates. Photo: Alisha Evans/ SunLive.

Wellington charged an initial fee to get a licence to occupy the street then a renewal fee, said West.

The Mount shopping area was also seasonal and weather dependent but businesses would have to pay to use the footpath year round, she said.

During consultation costs weren’t provided for the use of footpath space so it was hard to agree or disagree with something if you didn’t know the cost, said West.

Jo Veale who owns three businesses in Mount Maunganui said the information provided during consultation was “vague”.

She wanted to see research as to why an intervention in the street use policy was needed.

Veale asked for data about how many businesses were encroaching on the pedestrian part of the footpath.

“Is there really a problem?”

Her preference was that the “handful” of businesses that encroached on the footpath creating safety issues be spoken to rather than adding in charges and regulations.

“These are the livelihoods of people and also the jobs that they create. If we can't keep a thriving, humming tourist town, then jobs will go, businesses will close, and we will end up … with a ghost town.”

Hospitality New Zealand regional manager Luke van Veen said they were opposed to the policy. Photo: Alisha Evans/ SunLive.

Hospitality New Zealand regional manager Luke van Veen said they were opposed to the policy because of its lack of information.

“It's very hard to support this when we have very little understanding of what's been put in front of us.

“We're looking at about 180 operators [in Tauranga] being told what they can and can't do with their street space.”

Hospitality was “very hard” across New Zealand let alone in Tauranga where it was “very much under construction”, said van Veen.

The committee will hold deliberations on the policy on December 4.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.



Posted on 13-11-2023 18:15 | By Ditchthecommissioners

Are these commissioners delusional or what. Let put a congestion charge in the city, let’s up the parking fees, let’s remove parks let’s make it as difficult as possible for any business to survive not to mention let’s build a museum that no one wants!!!!We have clients that are closing doors because of these money hungry ideological clowns, but they don’t care. Take a walk downtown and see the damage you fools are doing. It is not a bottomless pit of money. These are people’s lives you are dealing with. The sooner they are gone the better

Tenants Pay One Way Or The Other

Posted on 13-11-2023 19:05 | By waiknot

When setting the building rents, I'm sure the landlords must calculate the use of council owned footpaths. I'd rather see council get this money than property owners.

Get out while you can

Posted on 13-11-2023 19:15 | By dave4u

Get together all food premises in TGA and find a place for a large food court with parking and enough room for 50 + food restaurants with a live dance floor/nite clubs Hotel/motel accommodation etc etc. Ask western bay for some land to be allocated for such a project and find a Chinese with the big $$ to build own to lease.Every one from surround town and out of town boundaries would be there for you.

etc and shut the town down let the council have it.


Posted on 13-11-2023 19:35 | By AuntyMinnie

Why doesn’t the council/commissioners just close Tauranga all together!!

How many other ways are you going to invent to shut down the CBD.

For goodness sake just let the business community earn their living.

Clear of commissioners. You are doing so much harm to Tauranga.


Posted on 14-11-2023 06:39 | By dumbkof2

footpaths are just that footpaths. they should not be cluttered up with tables and chairs and other bits of furniture. people using wheelchairs are finding it harder and harder to navigate some footpaths due to all these things. recently I saw one shop that had barricaded off the footpath and left only 80cm of path to the kerb. forcing people to walk on the road to get past.


Posted on 14-11-2023 07:09 | By Thats Nice

Oh my gosh, what next? No shops to visit, removal of carparks, destruction of Cameron Road and now charging diners to eat? Bet they'll charge you to park your scooters and pushbikes while dining too (if there will be any to charge for).


Posted on 14-11-2023 08:07 | By peanuts9

As someone, who has needs mobility aids at times, the use of the footpath by businesses is something that needs to be taken seriously.
The footpath is often blocked by tables, chairs, dogs, etc. It is often difficult to walk past when reasonably mobile but impossible when in a wheelchair.


Posted on 14-11-2023 08:36 | By Yadick

You have got to be kidding!
You Commissioners HAVE to go. You are hell-bent on total annihilation of Tauranga.

You have to be joking

Posted on 14-11-2023 09:05 | By The Sage

Firstly you need to have enough foot count for it to be even considered as a hindrance to people on the footpath. With the number of road closures and car park closures, less and less people are going into town. This is just another revenue grabbing exercise to pay over inflated fees paid to Commissioners who would have no idea what it takes to run a financially viable businesses. These businesses should be supported not hindered. Turn it around and look at Cameron Road where, in many places people cannot even get to the footpath to access businesses. How about the Council pay them a loss of business fee.

@Ditchthe commissioners

Posted on 14-11-2023 11:51 | By The Professor

Couldn't put it any better myself - good post!! Yadick as well.

They have no idea

Posted on 14-11-2023 11:51 | By an_alias

You can now see what happens when you are just part of the club.
These guys have shown they have NO CLUE what they are doing and are out of control and not just for our rates and spending.
You have ZERO accountability to anyone, this is why carrier politicians should be banned from ever holding a public paid position.

Pay your share

Posted on 14-11-2023 12:41 | By Johnney

Often tables and diners obstruct the footpaths. I doubt liquor licences include footpaths as part of the designated licensed area. Footpaths are for pedestrians. Sure if there is enough width then designate an area that can be leased. Also a big problem is hire scooters littering the footpaths. Barcelona and Paris are now banning them.


Posted on 14-11-2023 12:43 | By Ian Stevenson

Council is at it again, spending recklessly all over the place, then desperate to find money anyhow they can. They want someone to pay for their folly.


Posted on 14-11-2023 12:47 | By Ian Stevenson

Problem, TCC is broke, any outfit run so badly, as TCC is, would have gone into liquidation decade ago. All this is about is that the Commissioners are desperate to find more income, so as they then can borrow more. They are of the belief that businesses have endless money available and that they just need to lever a bit of it there way, for what they what... they of course know best how to spend it all.

So much for "revitalising" the CBD, same applies to the Mount also.


Posted on 14-11-2023 12:53 | By groutby

..there's almost no one left in the CBD to 'pick on' because they have closed or moved let's have a crack at the ones left whk are probably struggling anyway!
Although no one wants to be impeded by tables and chairs whilst walking around the CBD looking at empty shops, there seems to be an ongoing desire to actually hinder business trying to survive and make something of the situation they have....TCC, stop punishing people for their efforts!..

Money Grab

Posted on 14-11-2023 14:01 | By Fernhill22

What the commissioners are doing is a money grab looking at various ways to further tax people to help subsidise the $300m cost for the Civic Precinct.
I feel that they have lost sight of the fact TGA & the Mount are destinations that people want to come & visit, a tourist hot spot that contributes $100's of millions of dollars into the local economy. TCC should be supporting local businesses & hospitality to encourage more people to come here not to drive them away. They should be looking to attract major events to TGA & the Mount and driving more visitors here who spend their dollars in both retail & hospitality amongst other things. We should be the No 1 visitor destination in the North Island just like Queenstown is in the South Island with TCC supporting and working with local businesses towards a common goal.

@ Fernhill22

Posted on 14-11-2023 15:37 | By Yadick

As usual - well said.
I always look forward to your comments.


Posted on 14-11-2023 15:39 | By sambro

WE all feel the same way about YOU Council but you don't give a toss about us. All you want is our money to pay your ever-increasing wages for your fanciful ideas that none of us want. I'd love to swear here but I'm in no way as inconsiderate and greedy as you are and one of the saddest things is some of you actually believe what you are doing or eventually WILL do is the best for OUR community!!!

Pay for it

Posted on 15-11-2023 11:45 | By What the…?

Why would you not pay to rent a space which isn't part of your commercial lease? You're running a commercial business. From what I've seen the footpath these operators use is often half, if not more, of their leased premises. Let's think about it, imagine if businesses across the city moved their wares onto the footpath every day and the chaos that would create for pedestrian traffic particularly the visually impaired. A commercial operation making money from free space and should pay their fair share. Someone has to pay to spray clean the footpath from dropped food and beverages. Why should my rates subsidise your commercial business.

interesting to see...

Posted on 15-11-2023 12:41 | By morepork

... the increasing strength of vitriol in the posts here. The frustration levels are rising and it's time they did. We need people to express their discontent and hopefully get some action addressing it. It seems the fact that our administrators are UNANSWERABLE is at last being recognized. Get as angry as you like; it will make no difference. (I've been heartsick and angry about it for the last 2 years... they are a law unto themselves.) It seems our Commissioners are SO desperate for money that they will now charge businesses for using the footpath. Note that if the businesses DON'T use the footpaths, they will still have to be maintained and it will come out of Rates paid by Businesses and the rest of us. This issue is academic anyway; it won't be long before nobody is sitting at the tables on the footpath.


Posted on 16-11-2023 13:03 | By morepork

On re-reading all of the posts so far, I agree that there is an issue with using footpaths for table space. The underlying question is whether we think it is OK for the footpath to be used in this way. It can present access problems for handicapped people and, technically, footpaths are for walking. BUT, people like alfresco dining in Summer and, provided the business makes sure that there is easy access, and the incursion is unobtrusive, most reasonable people would say it is OK. Everyone can get on with enjoying themselves and running a business. However, the TCC doesn't care at all about the fundamental argument, the rights and wrongs, or the morality; their take is: "Pay us money and we'll allow you to use the footpath." (Use it for things other than walking, anything you like, just pay us money...). How sad is it?

Another money grab

Posted on 17-11-2023 10:33 | By jimmyant

If this goes ahead, it will effectively be another tax on us the final consumer. Businesses will of course have to pass this on.
It seems the council is no longer there to serve the ratepayers, but rather to stealthily add more and more taxes/rates to us all.
Remember the days when our parks and fields were free to use. There were no parking meters, we paid one lot of rates which included everything. My take is that in the past our council caretakers spent money much more efficiently - no consultants - it was all in house.
We have a bloated bureaucracy wasting the rates we pay them.

Foot traffic

Posted on 18-11-2023 23:49 | By Don Thompson

Actually there is no encroachment into walkways. I eat in the city three times a day and walking the streets is easy at the best of times. I applaud the businesses who use these areas consideratly and I find it very pleasant seeing people enjoying the outdoor areas.

Charging local businesses seems unreasonable considering the challenges the council has already forced on all businesses in the city. The multi-projects within the city are already devastating.

@Don Thompson

Posted on 20-11-2023 13:54 | By morepork

Thanks for a first hand assessment. This really shouldn't be a problem and it certainly should not be just another revenue gathering exercise.

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