Te Puna residents report late night shenanigans

Damage to a vehicle left at Waitui Reserve in Te Puna. Supplied photos.

Power outages and a mysterious loud bang late at night may have left some residents in Te Puna wondering what was going on.

A SunLive reader has emailed in photos of a damaged car in Waitui Reserve in Te Puna.

She says she was out walking her dog when she saw the car.

“I was talking to one of my neighbours and he said it looks like the car has been dumped after hitting a power pole further up the road.

“Apparently the crash happened around 11pm and the pole was down across the road, blocking some people’s access to their driveways.

"The number plate on the car is a bit of a laugh. It says "Hello officer, put it on my tab" on the border of the plate."

The reader says the crash reports correspond with the same time that the power went out in their neighbourhood.

“I heard a loud noise around that time and the dog was going nuts. It all lines up when I think about it.”

A police spokesperson says they were called to a single-vehicle crash on the corner of Snodgrass Road and Newham Road shortly before 11pm.

“Both lanes were blocked at the time of the crash, but have since cleared.

“There are no reports of any injuries.”

Powerco also reports that power is now back in the area.

"A total of 393 Te Puna customers lost power just after 11pm last night after a vehicle collided with a power pole," says a Powerco spokesperson.

"Power was progressively restored to customers during the night, with all customers’ power back on by 6.55am today."


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