Smokefree amendment bill passes third reading

The Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill has passed its third reading in Parliament.

Legislation to ban the sale of tobacco to anyone born after the January 1, 2009, has passed its third reading.

It is another step towards the government's goal for New Zealand to be smokefree by 2025.

The Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill makes three main changes:

  • reducing the amount of nicotine that is allowed in smoked tobacco products
  • decreasing the numbers of retailers that sell tobacco
  • making sure tobacco is not sold at all to anyone born on or after January 1, 2009.

The bill is now set to become law - passing its final reading in Parliament with support from Labour, the Greens and Te Paati Māori.

Associate Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall says the legislation accelerated progress towards a smokefree future.

"The number of retailers around the country that can sell tobacco will be reduced to a tenth of the 6000 there are now. This legislation mandates a maximum of 600 tobacco retailers by the end of next year," she says in a statement.

New Zealand's smoking rate is already low with just eight per cent of adults smoking daily, down from 9.4 per cent a year and a half ago and half the rate compared to 10 years ago.

Verrall says the measures are important for equitable health outcomes for Māori and would close the life expectancy gap for Māori women by 25 per cent and by 10 per cent for Māori men.

Anti-smoking groups react

Otago University Professor and ASPIRE2025 co-director Janet Hoek told The Science Media Centre that all three measures will help reduce smoking across all population groups.

"Reducing the number of outlets selling tobacco will improve community wellbeing, and enhance the safety of retailers," she says.

Removing tobacco from small dairies will help remove an important risk to staff, she says.

Aotearoa's approach was world-leading and likely to produce profound health benefits, she says.

Action for Smokefree 2025 chair Emeritus Professor Robert Beaglehole says the bill has several good aspects.

However, the bill may have the unintended effect of penalising existing smokers by cutting the number of cigarette retail outlets to 600, he says.

"The mandatory denicotinisation policy, third main policy, will not come into effect for at least two years and thus will not help achieve the 2025 goal. At best, it may encourage the tobacco industry to promote less harmful products such as vaping. But it might also encourage illicit cigarette trade," he says.




Posted on 15-12-2022 07:07 | By hexsayer

sorry government, but no, mind your own buisness, how about stay out of peoples lives it has nothing to do with you whether someone chooses to smoke. Redicong nicotine will just make people smoke more, thats how shortsighted these fools are. Better get in for the doubledippers that cant get their fix from just onr ciggy anymore. Way to go about taking food out of families mouthes. Absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully the next PUBLIC SERVANT will cancel this stupid regulation.

Bring on smokefree!

Posted on 15-12-2022 09:16 | By fair game

The cost to taxpayers through ill health from smoking is horrific. People also spending money on cigarettes instead of feeding their children, and putting a roof over their heads. Many social problems caused by smoking, the sooner NZ is smoke free the better. Disgusting smelly habit.

Butt out

Posted on 15-12-2022 12:24 | By Kancho

I don't smoke, use drugs and rarely drink but somehow I think this smacks of state interference in people's lives that is unacceptable. I get that it's about health but legislation like this is a worry. Lots of obese or over weight people who are unhealthy, diabetic, etc but will legislation impinge on what they put in their mouths? So statically people are at all sorts of potential harm in recreation and just moving about, so will government interfere? Nanny state on steroids, oops no they need strict controls too along with the food and drink etc

More bossiness

Posted on 16-12-2022 07:14 | By Slim Shady

I thought prohibition didn’t work? It’s why they want to decriminalise all drugs. Yet here they are, setting up a future criminal black market and criminalising a whole generation. It’s a lofty ambition - zero this and zero that. And the only way to achieve zero this and that is to become like China or Russia. I don’t smoke, never have, I get that it is harmful and costs the healthcare system, but so does a heap of other ‘lifestyle’ choices. It’s just more bossiness and bullying from a Government that wants to control every aspect of everyone’s life. Even if you don’t smoke, you have to ask yourself, what next?

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