Irises for Ukraine

Jennifer Murray with the blue and yellow irises. Photo: John Borren.

Sometimes the brightest of ideas come from simply seeing what we have within our own hands and resources to do.

This was the case for Jennifer Murray, who has adapted a talent for making flowers to help raise funds for children in Ukraine.

'I started making felt flowers when we were in the second lockdown, just looking for something to do,” says Jennifer. 'I've always enjoyed crafting but I like crafting with a purpose.”

She started making felt flowers to give away to clients at her work, Grief Support Services in Greerton.

'It's kind of progressed from there and I've been growing and honing my skills over the last two years and really enjoy making them.”

When Russia invaded Ukraine, Jennifer knew she wanted to do something to help support the Ukrainian people.

'I picked out one of the flower designs I do and made it blue and yellow because I wanted to support something going on over there. As I work for a smaller grassroots charity myself I know how hard it is to get funding for local community groups as opposed to the larger ones that get big profile in the media.”

Jennifer Googled Kyiv community organisations and came across Bright Kids Charity. She says this organisation provides underprivileged children with support they need to create a brighter future.

'They are currently supporting children with disabilities and their families who cannot travel to escape the war.

'It really appealed to me to help those families on the ground and they're also doing a lot to support Ukraine children's hospitals. And their website is in English.”

Although taking a lot of time and commitment, she has personally contributed all the materials to the project, Jennifer has made 30 blue and yellow irises and so far raised more than $900. Each flower is about 25cm high by 12-15cm wide.

'They are being sold for a minimum $15 donation but if people would like to contribute more that's fantastic. I also have four one-off iris flowers that will be given to the four highest donors.”

Flower pick-up is by arrangement from Judea, Mount Maunganui or Greerton. To contribute towards Jennifer's Bright Kids Charity project, or to purchase a flower, email: Or visit:


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