Matapihi railway bridge walkway

Some facts – TCC engaged Opus to provide a report at a cost of $50,000. Tauranga City Council knee-jerked and then got in Nutech security guards at huge cost while deciding $800,000 needs to be spent up on the walkway. How ridiculous is that!!
I took the time to fully inspect the Matapihi Bridge last Saturday mid-morning and noted no security guards were posted, virtually no one on or near the walkway. Currently TCC have put in place expensive crowd-control type fencing on the open side and expensive zinc piping on the inside rail, a complete overkill and it has to be seen to be believed! Cost is no object, obviously. The fault with the walkway is not safety but the complete lack of regular maintenance and you just need to check out the Karangahake Gorge bridges and see the difference.
Conclusion reached after due enquiry is that repair costs should not exceed $100,000 which would make the walkway very safe although it would not provide $1 million gold-plated, upmarket version some of the spendthrifts are baying for.

R Paterson, Matapihi.



Posted on 24-06-2012 11:04 | By PLONKER

Opus and Nutech are both in on that wee scheme, so the benefit to them is that they get the work on an open tab, no quote required.

All to much to get the brain around

Posted on 25-06-2012 21:45 | By POCO O POCO

Well they TCC must have given it up as a bad job as it is deserted currently.Left gates barriers and the piping and fled it seems.The$800k will be back never fear.


Posted on 25-06-2012 22:24 | By PLONKER

They must have all the money already, no need to stay now. Got the money and run, or has TCC run out already. Or was the real plan to set up poor old Ken, then can it and just pay anyway?

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