Have your say on how council buys and sells land

The draft policy was approved for consultation by Council in December 2020.

The draft Acquisitions and Disposals Policy is now open for submissions, allowing the community to have their say on house Tauranga City Council buys and sells property.

Council buys, sells, leases or transfers property for many reasons.

These include public works such as roads and other infrastructure, greenspace or recreational purposes, and managing land identified for future public use.

General Manager of Strategy and Growth, Christine Jones says council wants to ensure they deliver the best value to ratepayers when acquiring and disposing of property, and the new policy provides a consistent and transparent approach.

"One of the main changes we're proposing in the new draft policy is that mana whenua will be offered a right of first refusal on some properties sold by council.

"Mana whenua will have the opportunity to purchase council property at market value before being offered for sale through an open market process. However, not all properties will fit this criteria and this can only happen after any statutory obligations are met.

"The inclusions of the right of first refusal recognises the role mana whenua holds in building, protecting and celebrating Tauranga Moana, its environment and its people and acknowledges their partnership with council, while still providing a fair value for ratepayers."

The draft policy was approved for consultation by Council in December 2020.

An overview of the proposed draft policy, the draft policy and an online submission form are available at www.tauranga.govt.nz/ADP.

Paper copies are also available at the customer service centre at 91 Willow Street and in libraries. Consultation runs until 5pm on Thursday, April 15.

Council will use the community's feedback to propose a final policy for adoption by Council, likely mid to late 2021.


Another Great Divide???

Posted on 15-03-2021 10:22 | By Yadick

. . . recognises the role mana whenua holds in building, protecting and celebrating Tauranga Moana, its environment and its people and acknowledges their partnership with council . . . Is this role not taken by most residents of Tauranga? Why single out Maori again?

Tom Ranger

Posted on 15-03-2021 10:29 | By Tom Ranger

I'd like to see limits on what council can buy determined by current fiscal measures. ie. No money = No project. Like a normal house. Cut up their credit card and let them eat wheet bix and noodles for a few months/years just like they have planned for us.

Tom Ranger

Posted on 15-03-2021 10:31 | By Tom Ranger

Where does Bella Vista sit on the acquisition/disposal policy? Rate-payers should have been told what was paid in order to acquire and then on-sell these properties to Classic homes. I can assume it was market rate yeah?


Posted on 15-03-2021 11:52 | By Kancho

Don't think this policy was followed for the Mission House land? Market rates ?

Not again

Posted on 15-03-2021 13:21 | By Told you

Why have Maori got first choice on any land sales?

Tom Ranger

Posted on 15-03-2021 13:38 | By Tom Ranger

@Kancho. From memory it was...don't quote me. Then what is market rate? What is an independent valuer? Is that the main one TCC always uses? Is that independent? When I bought my house. I needed a land valuer to confirm for the bank that it was worth what I wanted to pay for it. I rang the valuer and told him what the land was worth (what I purchased it for) and he said. Oh yep. We can do that. 5 seconds later. Done. Property market...Ripe for exploitation.

Tom Ranger

Posted on 15-03-2021 14:56 | By Tom Ranger

@Kancho. I think I was wrong. It was gifted back. I believe it was successfully argued that TCC and others should have never had the land in the first place.

Great idea Tom

Posted on 15-03-2021 19:52 | By Informed

So let’s stop borrowing says Tom great, no new roading, water, storm water, safety. And of course no fixing footpaths, roads, no new books for the library, no upgraded runway for the airport. So basically in 3-5 all the roads will be gone, airport, closed, footpaths broken up. Another winner from Tom.

Who will make a dollar?

Posted on 15-03-2021 19:56 | By FRANKS

So will the mana whenua be able to resell at a profit at any stage ? Surely that is not the intention??

Tom Ranger

Posted on 16-03-2021 09:37 | By Tom Ranger

@ Informed. I can't take credit for the idea unfortunately. It's a tried and true age old formula of...living within your means. Or...they could do what you/they suggest. Use the credit card and let our children's children pay for more ineptitude and interest on a loan for pools which we don't want to use presently..as they apparently can't attract enough business income to stay afloat as things are. Sounds like a smart place to invest lots of money... Not. Business/investor minds would shudder at the proposal of using their money on these thing's. Their balance sheets are only going in one direction, they are going to lose more and more money. So...why would we put our money into it? Not a smart decision financially. If a bank won't loan them money. Why would we just give it to them?

maori choices

Posted on 16-03-2021 11:12 | By joan dugmore

the maori have had settlements on maori land years ago and any land now should be all ratepayers rights

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