Tauranga Underwater Hockey 2020

Mid-Northern Boys’ team. Supplied photo.

Tauranga underwater hockey players have joined a 20 year long list of winners after winning the Under 18 National Championships.

The Mid-Northern Boys' team, made up of mainly Tauranga Club players, competed in the championships, along with the girls' team, in Wellington during Labour Weekend.

This is the first time in 20 years since the cup was first presented that the Mid-Northern Boys' have had their names added to the list as they went through the tournament unbeaten.

'Previously, this trophy has been won by Auckland based teams 75 per cent of the time and Wellington based teams 25 per cent of the time,” says a spokesperson for the club.

'This is the first time that this trophy has been won by a team outside these two main centres.

'The Under 18 Women's team also performed well achieving a bronze medal.”

Players have also had the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a number of other competitions recently.

The first was at the Underwater Hockey National Club Competitions held here in Tauranga at the beginning of October.

'Our Club won the A division competition, with the team mainly made up of the Tauranga Boys' College team plus two additional adults.

'We also secured bronze in the C division with many players in this team only having started Underwater hockey this year.”

Throughout Sundays in November the Tauranga Club are giving people an opportunity to Have a Go at underwater hockey at Baywave from 5pm – 6.15pm.

For more details checkout their Facebook page or website https://www.sporty.co.nz/taurangauhc


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