Good luck with that lot

At the 2020 Elections around 5.5 out of 10 actual voters - but only about 40 per cent of registered voters - rewarded Labour/Greens' bungling efforts over past three years.

This outcome promoted many list and electorate candidates above their level of incompetence to the exulted rule-the-roost plateau, no doubt buoyed on by failure after failure, the real life disasters plus the looming financial train wreck caused by the refusal to address serious economic health issues.

Good luck with this motley collection of misfits for the next three years and perhaps even longer. [It's] a lesson which should clearly demonstrate to the lost souls, the error of their ways as New Zealand drifts toward being the Venezuela of the South Pacific.

At least that gives perpetrators plenty of time for naval gazing while absorbing the truism that Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of arrogance and ignorance, plus the gospel of envy and the equal sharing of miseries by all.

Socialism's main problem is that it eventually runs out of other people's money to spend.

Victims will have plenty of time to painfully reflect and focus on the fact they, as voters, have unwisely, acted in haste and can repent at leisure to everyone's detriment.

Good luck coping with the skewed, leftist philosophy and supporters need just transfer their wealth and assets to Gov't for redistribution.

R Paterson, Ohauiti

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Sour grapes?

Posted on 23-10-2020 10:19 | By KiwiDerek

Nice to see people so gracefully accepting the election results. And can I point out again, as so many have, that there is no such thing as socialism in New Zealand - we are all happy little capitalists here. Perhaps the Uruguay of the South Pacific?

Sore Losers

Posted on 23-10-2020 13:55 | By peanuts9

The number of sore losers commenting on various forms of media is amazing. From the number, it appears, 1, they didn't bother to vote, 2, they are regretting their choice or 3, are just sore losers and will spend the next 3 years being negative.

Delusional name calling

Posted on 23-10-2020 21:41 | By Peter Dey

As KiwiDerek points out we are all capitalists, of one degree or another. Our two local Labour List MP's have previously been one a highly successful School Principal, and two a highly successful lawyer. R.Paterson in describing these two as failures is obviously name calling without a rational thought in his head. His rant about socialism is similarly irrational. Government spending is not socialism it is taxpayer funding for social necessities such as police, health services, schools, and roads. R.Paterson supports the previous government which re-allocated spending from police into roads. Voters quite rightly think that R.Paterson's government got it wrong. We need both police and roads but cutting spending on police to pay for roads is dumb.

We live in a democracy

Posted on 25-10-2020 13:02 | By Rustynails

With reference to R Paterson's recent diatribe, fair elections were held and Labour won enough votes to govern alone. “Rewarding Labour/Greens bungling efforts over the past three years,” he says. It was NZ First that chose to support and enable a Labour government in the past three years. R Paterson states that the 2020 election outcome has “promoted many list and electorate candidates above their level of incompetence.” What knowledge, indeed, what right, has R Paterson to judge the abilities of the many nationwide newcomers to parliament? A “motley collection of misfits:” what is his knowledge or competence to judge? Finally, “voters have, unwisely, acted in haste.” The election was due after three years as always, voters decided, voters elected. Clearly R Paterson's choice did not win enough votes to govern. Tough, R Patertson: we live in a democracy. R Haycock

@ R Paterson

Posted on 27-10-2020 11:20 | By Equality

Well said! We have to feel sorry for them because "They know not what they have done!"

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