New parking signage goes up around Tauranga

New signage has been spotted on The Strand. Image: SunLive/Daniel Hines.

New signage to discourage people parking on the grass has gone up around the Tauranga CBD.

The new signage comes after complaints from contractors, says Tauranga City Council's Martin Parkes.

Signage has been spotted on The Strand, as well as on Hamilton Street.

'There are certain locations within our city where parking on verges is prohibited. This is outlined in our Traffic and Parking By-Law.”

Martin says there has been an increase in people parking on verges in the CBD.

'We have put signs up to remind people not to park on verges in locations where it effects traffic safety, accessibility, causes damage to berms or is unsightly.

'The signs have gone up in this particular location on The Strand as well as Hamilton Street due to complaints from contractors about not being able to mow the verge,” says Martin.

If caught parking on the grass in an area controlled by a no parking behind the berm sign, the ticket fee will set you back $40.


Tom Ranger

Posted on 24-05-2019 09:10 | By Tom Ranger

Heaven forbid they solve the issue.

Hey Council???

Posted on 24-05-2019 11:56 | By Bruja

You know who those people are who do this 'illegal' parking. It's a whole bunch of YOUR CITIZENS trying desperately to find a carpark so that they can GO TO WORK!!! Put up at least 4 park and rides on the four corners of the city so that people can drive to them and then bus from there. I'll also give you my bank account details so you can deposit my consultancy fee. It's about 90% less than what you're currently paying someone to do nothing so that should help a lot with setting up the park and rides. Every six months add at least two more and repeat until you have the city covered. :(

Why would they?

Posted on 24-05-2019 12:38 | By Lvdw

This is another great income gathering tool, especially as parking in Tauranga CBD becomes more rare than the Kiwi bird.

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