Homeless, where should they go?

All too often I hear people complaining about the homeless in Tauranga.

‘What is up with the tent city in the CBD' or ‘it's disgusting, why don't they go out and get a job'.

I can't understand how ignorant some people can be.

If you are that worried about it, go and do
something about it.

Most people are not homeless by choice and have been forced into this situation.

Yes, there are some people who choose to live that way. But don't paint people who are genuinely trying to get help themselves with the same brush.

Which brings me to another subject, judging people before you know the full situation. People are so fast to jump to conclusions today, and they don't even bother to get the full story. How would you feel if someone saw you and immediately judged you for how you look or based on someone else's opinion. 'Oh look at him, he has a bald head and is white, so he must be a racist” or 'look at her, she has tattoos. She must have no self-respect and is just trash”.

Get a life. There are all kinds of people in this world.

There is enough crap going on in this city, country and world without some idiot adding their ill-informed opinion about something they have no idea about.

D Wilson, Brookfield

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