Construction begins for Harington Transport Hub

The new hub is currently under construction. Supplied image.

The sod has officially been turned and construction has begun for a new state of the art Transport hub in Harington Street.

Construction of the site began Tuesday after a small opening ceremony which has been witnessed by local kaumatua, city councillors, contractors and officials.

The ceremony was led by Ngai Tamarawaho kaumauta Peri Kohu and the sod turned by Tauranga mayor Greg Brownless.

Mayor Greg Brownless turning the first sod on Tuesday at the construction site. Photo: Leanne Brown.

The new seven-storey hub is estimated to cost about $27.14m and will bring 250 bike parks, 550 car parks and 53 motorbike parks to the site in Harington Street.

In addition there will also be electric charging points for cars and e-bike along with shower and locker facilities for cyclists.

Tauranga City Council Transportation Manager, Martin Parkes, said in November last year there is growing public appetite for the council to provide better biking facilities for city commuters.

'The Harington bike hub offers some practical solutions like secure parking, showers and gear storage to make it easier for people who want to bike to work.

'We've done a lot of consultation on transport projects this year, notably the recent cycle and transport plans. There's consistent and strong community support for improved bus and bike offerings.

'We need this facility to be as welcoming as possible for people to enjoy using it.

'Every person on a bike, e-bike, or bus frees up car parking and helps improve the city's traffic flow. It's in everyone's interests that we make it easier for more city commuters to bike or take the bus to work if they are able.”

As part of the works some road closures and traffic disruptions are also in place:

  • A section of Harington Street will be closed between Durham Street and Willow Street for the duration of the project.
  • Hamilton Street will be subject to traffic management during working hours and will be made one-way after hours. From July 1 it will be closed completely for about 12 months.
  • Access to Kingsview Resort, Harrington House, the CAB and the library carparks will be maintain throughout the construction.

"A development of this size requires a lot of foundation work and strengthening. There will be disruption and noise during the construction, which is necessary to complete the project and realise the longer term benefits for the future of our city."



Posted on 23-06-2018 17:27 | By Told you

This is the first I have heard of this straight out of the blue well done TCC, no public consultation that I am aware of.

The hub

Posted on 25-06-2018 17:59 | By surfsup

550 car parks sounds great if it was not for the fact that all have been leased , with a 2-3 moth waiting list. If somebody from the council could explain how this will benefit the downtown shopping area I will gladly listen/

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