New speed camera to improve safety on roads

SH2 in Pukehina is among 33 locations across the country where new digital cameras are being installed. File photo.

A new safe speed camera will start operating next week in Bay of Plenty in an effort to ensure safe speeds and reduce deaths and injuries on our roads.

SH2 in Pukehina is among 33 locations across the country where new digital cameras are being installed as part of the third phase of the $10m static camera expansion programme, announced in July 2013. The camera on SH2 is due to start operating next week.

Sites receiving new cameras have all been identified as having a high crash risk based on detailed analysis by independent traffic experts.

'Road crashes have devastating impacts on families and communities,” says operations manager road policing inspector Peter McKennie.

'We know from international experience that safe speed cameras have an impact on slowing people down to safer speeds, and that's what we want,

'This is why we're placing safe speed cameras at this and other sites, to encourage people to reduce their speed, which in turn helps reduce deaths and injuries on our roads.”

Inspector Peter says that while some people believe camera infringements are about revenue collecting, they are not.

They do not retain the money from camera infringements, the money goes into the Crown's consolidated fund, he says.

'We're only interested in the impact the cameras have on encouraging people to slow down to safe and appropriate speeds, so they get to their destination safely.”

The expansion programme will continue to be backed by other measures, including a highly visible Police presence on high risk routes.

'All road users have a part to play in keeping our roads safe.

"We encourage drivers to protect themselves and their families by driving to the conditions and within the speed limit, driving sober and alert, and making sure everyone in the car wears a safety belt.

'Let's work together and make sure everybody gets where they're going safely."


speed camera to improve safety?

Posted on 11-06-2018 18:08 | By Crash test dummies

A camera has nothing to do with "safety" it in fact has everythign to do with revenue, nothing else but!

I wonder.......

Posted on 11-06-2018 19:29 | By groutby

....just how 'covert' these cameras will or not become over time. My understanding is in UK it is not uncommon to advise (by way of road signs) there is a speed camera area ahead, giving the driver the opportunity to check and adjust speed if necessary. This presumably would be used as a deterrent rather than be seen as solely a 'revenue gathering' excercise... For me I have no problem with cameras operating to keep excess speed 'in check', but the opportunity to correct possible errors before slapped with a fine (and demerits if the case) would surely be viewed by the motoring public in a much more acceptable way...and just maybe view this particular aspect of Policing with a more positive attitude...


Posted on 11-06-2018 19:30 | By Chris

If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.

$10 million bux....

Posted on 11-06-2018 19:31 | By GreertonBoy

The cameras will pay themselves off in a couple of months.... Have to laugh at the safety BS... if it was safety that was cared about, there would be no fines, they would suspend license for each infringement. First time someone caught by a speed camera..... one warning, second time suspend license for one week, 3rd offence suspend 2 weeks, 4th offence suspend 4 weeks and psychological examination.... 5th offence, lose license for a year. That might make the roads safer.... losing the right/privilege of being allowed to drive will slow people down more than taking some cash off them.... some people can afford to pay fine after fine which is not a deterrent, merely an inconvenience. Cash cameras as we have them now are simply revenue raisers fluffing up the govt coffers. Driver education/skill and getting drivers to choose to drive safely is the key.

Revenue collecting

Posted on 11-06-2018 19:34 | By hapukafin

Fines going into central funds is still revenue collecting.At one time most of SH2 TGA to AKL was mostly 100ks with more passing lanes.Now we have less passing lanes with more slower speed sections.The most rediculous piece of road being north of Thames traffic island four lanes with a center median rope and 90k speed limit.Isnt these set up to frustrate drivers .And yes further along past a few bends a police car or camera car what for to catch you speeding and collect some funds..In the words of a MP these uni graduates who doesnt know how to drive properly plan the roads we drive on

Simple Fact is -

Posted on 11-06-2018 20:19 | By The Caveman

FIXED speed cameras are a TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY. All the locals know where they are and slow down, ANY any out of town driver with a good Sat Nav, also knows where they are!! The only real speed camera is the mobile one that MOVES 3-4 times a day.


Posted on 12-06-2018 07:13 | By The Hobbit

If these cameras aren't revenue collecting devices then don't fine people. Issue demerit points only then eventually the person who doesn't learn where the speed cameras are and slow down just before the camera then speed up once past it, will loose their licence for a time :-)

safety....yeah, right

Posted on 12-06-2018 08:15 | By Captain Sensible

If it was about "Safety" and making motorists slow down, then why is a motorist who flicks his/her lights at oncoming drivers to warn about a speed camera, which makes them slow down, charged? All they have done is an act of "safety" by making other drivers slow down...yet they are prosecuted if caught. More double standards.

If the police cared about safety...

Posted on 12-06-2018 08:48 | By Border Patrol

..they would be regularly patrolling our roads. Here in Te Puke particularly during the kiwifruit season, driver behaviour is appalling and a large number of vehicles are obviously not roadworthy. Once upon a time these drivers and vehicles were targeted by police, but not now. It seems it's now an unwritten rule that the police can't upset the corporate kiwifruit sector by targeting their workforce, no matter the dangers they regularly pose on our roads.


Posted on 12-06-2018 09:03 | By maildrop

Groutby you are correct. In the UK, the location of operating cameras are a matter of public record, and very visible. The evidence shows that crashes are reduced in areas where they operate, regardless of whether you think this is because people are aware of them or spotted them. Others are correct in that it is revenue gathering. But it is only gathering it from idiots who are too stupid to 1. realise and acknowledge the link between speed and crashes, and 2. moderate their driving, and 3. have the brains to make themselves aware of where they are. We cannot have Police on every corner. Unfortunately the current regime deems it fit to license idiots to drive. Until we fix this, we may as well take some money of the fools.

not fair cop

Posted on 12-06-2018 09:47 | By hapukafin

Captain Sensible,double standard indeed.Many years ago when foreign cars were a rare item like car owners would flash their lights at each other and this still happens.Also cameras are not able to distinguish between cars and trucks to catch speeding trucks

Is it.

Posted on 12-06-2018 10:56 | By Marshal

Is it about speed or safety, or is it just more ways for Central and Local government to gather revenue to prop up a slowly failing economy.. Huh . How many Corporates are counting on this kind of revenue to create huge profit.. How much of hard working Kiwi's income is ripped away before they get to spend a few measly dollars with a smile..LOL

It's not the road at fault ... It's people & the speed limit

Posted on 16-06-2018 16:34 | By StevieB

Regarding the ridiculous speed limit on the Matamata side of the Kaimais at 100kph and the discussions about the effectiveness of the weather-operated variable speed limits. Has anybody actually done 100kph safely all the way UP the Kaimais from the Matamata side ? For most non-race-car trained drivers, It is just too fast to take the corners safely. The variable speed limits are OK at times, but these come at a cost and are not always up to date when the weather clears. SIMPLE SOLUTION: Why not make the Matamata side of the Kaimas, both up & down, a PERMANENT FIXED SPEED limit of 70kpm. Try it & you will see that most will not exceed 70kph !! (apart from some of the self-appointed racing-car-driver-trained idiots). Reduce the limit to 70 kph up & down on the Matamata side & watch how crash numbers reduce.

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