Maori don’t stand

Mr Dey (The Weekend Sun, May 11), once more you have let your enthusiasm interfere with the facts. You state that Maori candidates for election in councils are disadvantaged by the number of non-Maori voters. There are no Maori candidates! They do not stand for election.

In the present parliament there are 25 per cent of Maori members including the Leader and Deputy Leader of the National Party from 14.9 per cent of the population. One can scarcely call that under-representation. But those MPs stood for office, which Maori do not do in local body elections.

B Johnson, Omokoroa.


what do maori allegedly miss out on?

Posted on 18-05-2018 16:25 | By Captain Sensible

I would like to ask the 'pro maori ward' people what special advanages or privileges have been granted by the elected councilors to non-maori rate payers that are denied to maori rate payers? I want to know where to line up to take advantage of all these special privileges. Can anyone tell me what I am entitled to that maori are not entitled to? Anyone?

need to do some checking

Posted on 18-05-2018 20:23 | By waxing

B Johnson needs to do some checking. In amongst his figures are people (including the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition) who have never and could never pretend to represent Maori, despite their ancestry. There are also 7 Maori seats where Maori MPs are elected by their people and accountable to their people. Ooops - kinda like Maori wards would be at local government level.

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