New Polytech brand launched

Kaumatua Tamati Tata at the rebranding launch this morning. Photos: Ryan Wood.

The new name and branding for Waiariki Bay of Plenty Polytechnic has been revealed this morning at a special ceremony.

The new tertiary institute will be known as Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology.

Hundreds of invited guests gathered at Mokoia Campus in Rotorua and Windermere Campus in Tauranga to bless the new institute and see the new brand.

Toi Ohomai Council chairperson Cathy Cooney was delighted to share the special moment with students, staff, iwi and stakeholders at the Mokoia blessing.

'This is a very significant day for our new institution and for charting the way for a bright future for those seeking a tertiary qualification in our region,” says Cathy.

'The name Toi Ohomai encourages young people, and learners of all ages, to ‘look up and aspire to great heights through learning'.

A ceremony was held indoors.

'The new brand also signals the critical importance of continuing to build a network of purposeful and connected partnerships with iwi, industry, and the wider community. We are very pleased to be at this point in the development of our institution.”

At Windermere in Tauranga, kaumatua Tamati Tata spoke as the Toi Ohomai flag was raised, which was followed by the singing of hymns.

Inside the library, interim CE Neil Barns spoke warmly of the new institution, referring to the 'long journey” it took the reach this point. He emphasised the importance of 'partnership” and inclusiveness of the whole community.

An amalgamation of Bay of Plenty Polytechnic and Waiariki Institute of Technology, Toi Ohomai is home to over 14,000 students, 1,000 staff and is the largest tertiary provider in the region – and the third largest technical institute in the country.

Their new website can be viewed here:


Who - what and where?

Posted on 10-10-2016 09:26 | By Mackka

Regardless of what strange maori name they want to attach to this establishment - it will always be known as BOP Polytech!! I know I would rather have a degree from the BOP Polytech - a recognised tertiary institution than something called 'Toi Ohomai '. Who knows what it means or where and what it is?? Pandering once again to the minority group!

BOP Polytech

Posted on 10-10-2016 10:15 | By porky

Have to agree with the above comment. Will always be know as the BOP Polytech in my books. The new name is just confusing and to me doesn't sound very official, almost like a small institution rather than a large polytech.

Toi What?

Posted on 10-10-2016 12:51 | By Laurie

Toi Ohomai encourages young people, and learners of all ages, to look up and aspire to great heights through learning'. How is it going to do that ?? What a load of bollocks - the great majority of students won't know what it means & what's more they won't be interested. Cathy Cooney & her ilk need to take a reality check!!


Posted on 10-10-2016 13:52 | By penguin

A name is a label that identifies something meaningful. The new name is touted as being highly aspirational. But it does nothing except make people confused and left wondering. There is absolutely no recognition of location e.g. BOP. The interim CEO is correct about the name being related to 'a long journey.' It will certainly be a long journey for the new name to have any meaningful link with the institution. So often, re-branding is expected to change the image of an entity. However, the meaningful aspect comes from whether or not the entity can perform well. A name change cannot do that. Also, it cannot be pure coincidence that the new name incorporates the Waiariki Institute of Technology along with the maori words but no recognition of the former BOP Polytechnic!

Have to agree !!!!

Posted on 10-10-2016 20:57 | By The Caveman

What is "Toi Ohomai " and more importantly WHERE is Toi Ohomai . Sorry as far at Polytechnics are concerned, it does NOT register.............................


Posted on 12-10-2016 09:05 | By penguin

There are two interesting and conflicting issues here. The CEO talks about partnership and inclusiveness of the whole community. Yet any reference to the existing BOP Polytechnic has been erased. In previous reference to the need for changing the name to Institute, the expressed motivating factor was to elevate the status of the entity. However, this concept seems to have been demeaned with the new amended signage. The maori words stand out clearly but the words Institute of technology are only about 3-4cm high and almost need a magnifying glass to be read. There appears to be some significant contradictions here. One can only but speculates as to why.

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