Xiao’s jail sentence quashed

The parents of a motorcyclist killed by an inexperienced foreign driver are concerned she will be deported before serving her time.

On Friday, High Court Justice Jillian Mallon quashed the jail sentence handed to Chinese national Jieling Xiao in June after she had earlier plead guilty to a charge of dangerous driving causing the death of Tauranga motorcyclist Rhys Middleton, 23, in February.

Jieling Xiao was jailed for 17 months in February, but her sentence was quashed by the High Court on Friday and replaced by home detention and community work. Photo: John Cowpland/Fairfax NZ

Xiao's original 17-month prison sentence was replaced with nine months' home detention and 150 hours community work.

She appealed her sentence to the High Court on Tuesday. Her lawyer, Scott Jefferson, argued the crash occurred because of Xiao's inexperience driving in this country, not "overt" dangerous driving, and she should not have been sentenced to prison.

Rhys Middleton's father, Mike Middleton, says he felt Xiao's earlier remarks about the remorse she felt were hollow.

His family is concerned that once Xiao was released from prison, she would be deported and escape having to serve home detention because her visa had expired.

Middleton believes Xiao could be deported within a matter of days. An Immigration New Zealand spokesman confirms she was served with a deportation liability notice on July 5, making her liable for deportation.

But he is unable to confirm when she will be deported, citing privacy and operational reasons.

Tauranga man Rhys Middleton was killed in a crash on State Highway 5, near Napier. File Photo

Middleton and his ex-wife Judy Richards are not against Xiao's prison sentence being substituted for home detention, but believes she Xiao should serve her time like anyone else.

"If you're a New Zealander, you do your time, and if you're a foreigner you should do your time too."

At the time of Xiao's sentencing, Napier District Court judge Bridget Mackintosh cited Xiao's possible deportation before serving her sentence as a factor in not imposing home detention.

However, Justice Mallon says that was unfair.

"In my view, the judge did not focus exclusively on general deterrence in declining home detention. The judge considered the seriousness of the offence when deciding whether to order home detention," says Justice Mallon.

"She also referred to accountability, deterrence and denunciation in reaching her conclusion that imprisonment was the appropriate sentence.

"However, the judge's remarks in that respect were focussed on the possibility of deportation within 28 days. It is not clear from her remarks whether she would have reached the same conclusion if that consideration was put to one side, as it is required to be."

Middleton died after the vehicle Xiao was driving veered to the side of the road, then weaved back on, striking his bike as he attempted to pass by.

The court was told Xiao was an inexperienced driver on the open road, and that a passenger who accompanied her in a vehicle the day before the crash had expressed concerns about her driving.

- Damian George and Jared Nicoll / Stuff.co.nz

Rhys' Middleton's parents Mike Middleton and Judy Richards. Photo: John Cowpland/FairfaxNZ.


Amazing !!

Posted on 20-08-2016 08:40 | By mutley

How can gross incompetence not be dangerous driving ? and a guilty plea to boot. So how would a New Zealander be treated in China under the same circumstances ? No so leniently I am quite sure.


Posted on 20-08-2016 08:41 | By Jitter

If this is the way our legal system is going then there is not much hope for the future of the country.Xiao should serve her time like everyone else. This is the second case I know of where Justice Mallon has overturned a decision by a District Court Judge.

So sad....

Posted on 20-08-2016 08:45 | By groutby

.to read this, I think the Middleton family are being very lenient with their thoughts. So, in the event that it has now been decided that it was "inexperience driving in this country" (which is a bloody stupid and rather obvious thing to say if you are an infrequent tourist isn't it?)..do we take a look at the rules surrounding such drivers when hiring a car?..I wouldn't like to see this case used as an excuse for future such occurrences..


Posted on 20-08-2016 08:53 | By maildrop

Thank goodness the appeal Judge saw fairness and consistency, rather than a Chinese face. Crap driver and shouldn't have been allowed by the authorities to be on the roads. The sentence is now consistent with the many Kiwi road killers who are crap drivers. People who drive deliberately recklessly or drugged or drunk should be in prison. Sentencing should never be determined by race.

The system

Posted on 20-08-2016 08:55 | By surfsup

The justice system really is a joke, no punishment for killing someone, defense lawyers look for any reason to appeal any sentence handed down.


Posted on 20-08-2016 09:33 | By groutby

....what an impartial judge would have seen was the face of someone who killed another human albeit not intentionally..I don't understand your "race" card here, however I do understand and agree with your clear opinion re.NZ "crap" (and drunk/drugged) drivers....

Inept Judges

Posted on 20-08-2016 10:07 | By Irate Pensioner

We sure have some loopy judges in this country.Our justice system is an utter disgrace.


Posted on 20-08-2016 10:12 | By overit

Unbelievable. This case should be appealed the other way now. New Judge.

That is about right.

Posted on 20-08-2016 14:06 | By wtf

I wouldn't expect anything less from our Judges. Someones life ending at the hands of an idiot is obviously never important.When I heard she was appealing I knew she would get out of jail. And yes I bet she will be allowed to go home very shortly .

How is it possible...

Posted on 20-08-2016 14:44 | By Astoreth

to not hold our courts in contempt when you get this sort of thing thrown at us?The title "Justice" is a joke. Mallon needs to be got rid of. As do a few of her colleagues.

Justice is NOT served...

Posted on 20-08-2016 15:25 | By morepork

...if Xiao is allowed (or even forced) to leave the country before her time is up. Immigration should hold the deportation in cases like this. She should also be made to pay reparation (to help cover things like funeral costs etc., at the very least) to the family. Another tragic waste of a young life, down to foolishness on roads. We need to be much more stringent about requirements for allowing people to drive here (including Kiwis). We are no longer as sparsely populated as we once were and road risks are increasing all the time.

@ Astoreth

Posted on 20-08-2016 15:45 | By Crash test dummies

The Courts have never been about justice, they are about the "Rule of law". lawyers a rife through the place, the Courts are run by and for lawyers to feast, there is no other useful purpose that they serve, certainly not Joe public.


Posted on 20-08-2016 16:54 | By Tess

This honestly makes me so angry. How is she able to get away with this with a slap on the hand. Ffs!


Posted on 20-08-2016 17:22 | By rmwebber

What a traverstey of justice !

Showed remorse?

Posted on 20-08-2016 18:10 | By The Sage

More likely felt sorry for herself being sentenced to prison. This will send a message to the rest of the foreign drivers who cause accidents...and goodness knows there are enough of them. She hadn't driven on an open road and more than 50kmh. Anyone with a brain the size of a gnat would surely know to take extreme care. The Chinese would not be so lenient I am sure. I feel so sorry for the Middleton family who have had to relive this again. She will be deported but will she be allowed back? I should hope not.


Posted on 20-08-2016 19:34 | By rosscoo

If on home detention is she not wearing a ankle bracelet? which usually means must be restrained to a NZ address with only time out to do community service. So how can she be allowed to leave country? If this is case then lock her up


Posted on 20-08-2016 22:48 | By sambro

This is manslaughter. If I had done this I would be in prison for many years. This is not justice. To all Rhys's family, loved ones and friends, big hugs.


Posted on 21-08-2016 16:33 | By BlueberryBee

She could serve her sentence in China.

Sambro & the rest

Posted on 21-08-2016 20:38 | By maildrop

No you wouldn't. If you had done it, and you weren't drunk or deliberately driving recklessly, you would have got exactly what she has now got. I know of one Kiwi driver who killed 2 people, because he fell asleep. Got home detention and a fine. Right or wrong, that is what the benchmark has been set at. Therefore, this foreigner gets the same. People may argue it's not enough, or justice, for taking a life, due to being a crap driver, but there are proportionately more crap Kiwi drivers who kill. Neve forget that because Kiwi drivers are shocking. If you single out foreigners for extra special treatment in the justice system you are nothing more than a banana republic or tyrannical state. Be Fiji if you want to be. A comical state where you can holiday cheap. Or be a developed nation and be consistent.


Posted on 21-08-2016 21:09 | By GreertonBoy

Overseas people can come here to NZ and mow down other road users and that is ok? How bizarre? Condolences to Rhys's family also... this is all so wrong :(


Posted on 25-08-2016 17:09 | By R1Squid

We were all worried so much about TPPA, when all along, China is holding the puppet strings.Xiao now free home in China. Nice one Judges!!!

The Appeal Court

Posted on 25-08-2016 17:23 | By R1Squid

Has set a Precedent for all overseas tourists.This means New Zealanders are open season to overseas tourists. Have heaps of money, kill as many as you desire and go back home free.DISGUSTED.


Posted on 29-08-2016 14:09 | By Fonzie

I know a woman who arrived here from Asia with a drivers license and was fully entitled to drive but could not drive at all She bought the license Fortunately she had the sense to know her limitations and learnt and sat her license here. All overseas drivers should be made to pass a test many of them do not have a clue

Ignorance is no excuse

Posted on 16-09-2016 13:13 | By flyingtoaster

It is common for police to say ignorance of the law is not an excuse to break it. It is against the law to take someones life, regardless of your intention, motivation, carelessness or negligence. If I were to point the finger, it would be at the government. The government policy MUST be changed. NZ drivers need to be as safe as possible on our roads. People who don't understand our road rules should NEVER be allowed to put anyone in danger, which is exactly what happend when the government allowed an incompetent foreign driver on our roads. This practice is bordering on negligence.


Posted on 19-09-2016 07:49 | By OAP

While totally agreeing with many of the sentiments expressed, keeping her here doesn't bring back a life so sadly lost. Surely, deportation, NEVER to be allowed to travel here again, would bring more closure, without the cost of maintaining her in comfort in the too soft NZ prison system ?

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