Maori Party disbands – official

In Not the News today (content may offend), co-leader of the Maori Party Pita Sharples is declaring ‘job done' as Parliament finally passed the controversial Foreshore and Seabed Act, and fulfilled the purpose for which the party was created.

‘Job done' – Sharples.

‘It's what we set out to achieve, so thanks everyone, and let's get back to our communities and whanau and concentrate on building a united New Zealand.'

Prime Minister John Key praised the decision in a public statement this evening, stating, ‘We really enjoyed working with the Maori Party on this important issue.

‘No, really. We are sad that they have decided not to continue in politics. Honestly.'

Maori Party elected members are assured of public appointments around the world following their stint in power.

Hone Harawira has already been offered a mediation role with the United Nations in currently troubled areas of the Middle East, using his experience of bringing people together.

Sharples and co-leader Tariana Turia are rumoured to be forming a brand new political party, provisionally named ‘Why Can't We All Just Get Along Together', in a coalition with Col. Gaddafi, Pauline Hanson and Mel Gibson.

1 comment

Great news

Posted on 25-03-2011 22:00 | By Vaughn

Yes, well it was there only pre election promise only... It won`t happen over night. But it will happen (might be a very interesting election for them this time round) lol

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