Mayor backs White Ribbon

Rotorua mayor Steve Chadwick has taken the pledge against family violence as part of White Ribbon Day.

White Ribbon Day is an international day aimed at highlighting that violence against women is never acceptable.

Steve Chadwick.

It focusses particularly on changing men's attitudes, by men talking to men and challenging statements and actions that condone or support any type of violence.

The activities around White Ribbon Day and other activities against family violence is really about looking at all these organisations that work very nobly for white ribbon and the reduction of family violence, Steve says.

'The answer sits in everybody's home. In my view as a mother and a grandparent, it's about making sure we check up on our kids and that everything is okay. That they're managing and the stresses aren't getting out of control and then refer (them) to these other groups who can help.

'The message is growing. We can't leave it to others. We've got to look at our own behaviour.”

Having safer and connected communities means looking out for one another and building resilience in our neighbourhoods, she said.

Mrs Chadwick support the White Ribbon Celebrate Whanau Day on Saturday at Lakefront Village Green in Rotorua by attending with Zonta members. Zonta is a global organisation of professionals who work together to empower women worldwide through service and advocacy.


How about ...

Posted on 26-11-2015 19:49 | By Murray.Guy

... Zero tolerance of violence between anybody. As much as I applaud any initiative to reduce violence towards woman I so wish society would focus on declaring 'all violence', in all its forms, unacceptable. I sense that the single focus approach may inadvertently send the message that female toward male, male towards male, on the rugby field etc is okay or less unacceptable.


Posted on 26-11-2015 19:59 | By whatsinaname

what about violence against men by women plenty of that going on

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