Classified Advertising
Using the flash classifieds
To browse classifieds: Click once on the flash classifieds above to enlarge them to fullscreen.
To exit classifieds: Press escape or reselect your internet browser window from your taskbar.
To turn the page: Use the thumbnail images at the bottom of the page, or the forward and back buttons to the left and right of the flash classifieds.
To visit an advertisers website: Click on any advert with a red box around it to open the web link in a new internet browser window.
To zoom further: Click a second time on the flash classifieds, then use the zoom tool at the top of the page to zoom in or out.
To print the page: Move your mouse to the top of the screen, when an icon menu appears, select the print icon to print the page.
Please note: If the Adobe Flash plugin is not installed on your machine, the classified adverts will not appear. You can download the latest version of the Flash plugin here for free.