Council attempts to limits skaters noise

The rise in popularity, and noise, of a small skateboard half pipe in Mount Maunganui is forcing Tauranga City Council to try and restrict skaters' late night efforts.

In recent weeks, residents in the surrounding area of a new vert ramp and smaller sized ramp on Maunganui Road, next to Blake Park, have complained to council over the skating noise late at night and into the early hours of the morning.

Tauranga City Council's defaced sign next to the small skateboard half pipe on Maunganui Road. Photo: Bruce Barnard.

The two half pipes were opened last December, following $175,000 worth of construction after the old ramp, built in 1987, was demolished for safety reasons and the growing cost of maintenance.

And since then the smaller version has proven to be very popular for a wide range of skaters while the full-sized ramp pipe is seldom used.

Tauranga City Council sport and recreation team leader Josh Trafford is thrilled the ramp is being widely used, but admits some groups have been using it late at night and into the early hours of the morning.

A council sign specifying the hours of operation from 7am to 10pm has been erected to try and combat the problem.

But photos from a SunLive photographer show the sign has already been defaced to read as if skaters can skate from 7am onwards.

'The neighbours have been very supportive of the skate ramps and the 7am to 10pm hours of use that council specified for the ramp.

'Their support wanes with the out of hours use leading to the several and regular complaints received.”

In extra efforts, the ramp will be chained off after 10pm each night, starting tonight and unchained after 7am daily.

Josh says that the late night use creates unreasonable noise for the neighbourhood and hopes the steps taken will minimise it.

A security camera was also installed last week.



Posted on 21-02-2015 08:26 | By overit

Why with everything, do a few ruin it for others by breaking the rules.


Posted on 21-02-2015 08:45 | By Twinkle Toes

What a shame. Can't blame the residents as I would feel the same, not liking noise after 10.00. But the kids are given this to enjoy and use. I guess the teenagers in the evening will have to hang around burger king again then.


Posted on 21-02-2015 08:57 | By Capt_Kaveman

wow this is a waste of funds, id like also to have skate boarding banned from inner city streets of high ped areas signs are no good with out policing


Posted on 21-02-2015 13:21 | By morepork

really comes down to consideration. If you consider others, you won't be a problem. Unfortunately, there seems to be a "ME" generation who have never been taught or learned this... It is sad, but necessary, that action has to be taken. Closing the facility after certain hours is a good solution.

but they won't sort out our neigbours....

Posted on 21-02-2015 14:12 | By jed

every weekend the last 4 months. Fireworks at 4am. parties every friday. called noise control 9pm last night and i was the 2nd caller so they said someone was being sent immediately....11.30pm, party still going, no noise control .They say they are busy, but that means they are understaffed.

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