Pipeline protest outside court

The Matapihi community is taking to the Maori Land Court as it continues to challenge Tauranga City Council's Southern Pipeline project crossing the peninsula.

Tio Faulkner is seeking an injunction against the pipeline, which is proceeding along the route of Matapihi Road.

Matapihi residents protesting outside Tauranga District Court.

The legal dispute is over who owns the roadway.

Tio claims the council is assuming ownership when he says there is evidence it has never been properly vested with the council.

While Matapihi residents gathered outside the court with banners and placards, Judge Stephen Clark set out a time table for the exchange of papers between the parties which should be completed before Christmas.

The judge is proposing to stand aside before the hearing to avoid a perception of bias as he recognised a second cousin's name on the petition and presides over prior Waitangi Tribunal hearings that will form part of the evidence.

Judge Clark recommended Tio get a lawyer because he will have to prosecute the case and requested the council provide a map of the pipeline route across Matapihi.

When asked afterwards why he's taking the action, Tio says it's because the Matapihi community has not been consulted about the pipeline project crossing their land.

'We don't even have a map. So they've been taken advantage of in some many ways. They have not been properly informed.

'The residents were not notified when their driveways would be dug up. We received notices when they cut the power, when they cut telephones when water needs work. No resident was notified when their driveway would be dug up and that they would have limited access for a certain period of time.”

Tio says they have not been advised by council how the rectification will look afterwards. Matapihi community has not been properly consulted.

'There is the process of iwi consultation but that is not the same as community consultation with owners of the land, Maori land.

'It's important the owners are made aware, and the owners are not aware. There may be trustees on the land, but they are not the owners. And if council is taking land by easement, the owners must be made aware.

'They are presuming the land is vested in council and we have evidence that it is otherwise.”

Speaking outside the court, Tauranga City Council general manager infrastructure services Ian Gooden says the court action will not stop the $102 million project.

Contractor HEB construction has already completed about 350 metres of pipeline alongside Matapihi Road.

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No surprise

Posted on 11-10-2014 13:25 | By YOGI BEAR

But a bit late in the piece, this mad cap scheme was approved by Council in 2009 after many years of avoiding toe facts of it and approving it anyway.


Posted on 11-10-2014 18:31 | By dumbkof2

of course these protesters dont have any bodily waste yeah right


Posted on 12-10-2014 20:29 | By Jitter

Matapihi "Maori" have known as long as everyone else the route of the pipeline. A basic route plan was published years ago. I am pleased to see that construction is continuing during the court action. If the Matapihi people do win their case (?) and are paid compensation (why do I think that may occur) and the pipeline has to be rerouted away from their land, that any compensation paid will be put towards the cost of the additional work necessary. The pipeline is being built for their benefit as well as the rest of Tauranga so what really is their reason for complaining. In the long run anyway they will pay dearly for any additional costs. The pipeline will be a big white elephant which we all have to accept unfortunately.

Council crooks

Posted on 13-10-2014 22:50 | By Powa2daPeopl

Council consultation is nothing but lip service. It was made clear the pipeline was not wanted. Matapihi does not benefit in any way shape or form from the pipeline. What is Ridiculous is the fact that the council isn't spending OUR money on a new transfer waste system on the Tauranga side, the continuously growing area of Tga. Instead of pumping waste thru land and sea, compromising our beautiful landscape and environment. Over 800litres of waste per second pumping thru. It will take approx 20min to shut the system down. I need not explain the fallout. You can imagine the shitty situation. What else is ridiculous is the fact people support this preposterous idea of 'growth'. It has only the makings of Taurangas' demise.

Waste not Want NOT

Posted on 17-10-2014 23:10 | By Powa2daPeopl

Let this be made clear... Matapihi residents do NOT have access to this pipe. Get it? Used and abused.

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