Trumpet-blowers step aside

There's a lot of trumpet-blowing happening. Talk of return to surplus one of them, and talk of benefits to come.

I prefer to look at what's been quietly achieved by that small party led by Winston Peters. They don't need to have the press telling us how good they are.

They just get the job done. Let's start with the new Harbour Bridge, and the abolition of the tolls.

An absolute boon to all residents and businesses at the Mount. Also quicker, easier access to the Port.

Then there's Tauranga Airport – owned, yes owned, by this city.

Another Winston Peters achievement. The extra classrooms for schools provided when he was Treasurer.

Tauranga Hospital is another beneficiary, as was local roading.

The list is too long to mention all kudos. He holds the legacy of an MP who really worked for his electorate. The next gift to Tauranga will be Route K without tolls and debt.

His name will be remembered way into the future. Like that bridge, standing bright and shining in the sunlight. 'By Their Deeds You Shall Know Them.”

C Connon, Otumoetai.


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