Six years jail for sex offender

A Tauranga man found guilty of sexual offending against a seven-year-old girl has been sentenced to six years and six months jail.

Rex Hewlett, 56, was sentenced in Tauranga District Court this morning after being found guilty by a jury in June.

Rex Hewlett in Tauranga District Court today.

According to the summary of facts, the 56-year-old man and the victim became neighbours when the girl's family moved into a Kaitemako property in January 2013.

The girl became friends with a seven-year-old boy, who was also a neighbour of Hewlett, and on several occasions between February 4, 2013, and April 3, 2013, the children would go to Hewlett's property to play.

While there, the boy would watch television or play outside, while Hewlett would take the girl by the hand and lead her to his bedroom.

While in the bedroom, court documents state he would perform a number of sexual acts on the seven-year-old, despite the girl telling him to stop.

The summary says Hewlett told the girl not to tell anyone and he would offer to let her play with his i-Pad if she left him touch her.

The offending would happen each time the girl would visit the man's house - estimated to be about 12 times.

The girl stopped visiting Hewlett's house when the seven-year-old boy moved away.

When Hewlett was spoken to by police on July 11, 2013, he admitted to having her at his place but denied touching her in any way.

He was arrested and charged with two counts of sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges and went to trial in June where he was found guilty.

The Crown says the girl suffered significant emotional trauma.


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