Rude and patronising

Kate MacIntyre asks if we are tired of reading C. Humphreys' letters warning us of the dangers of a written Constitution. No Kate, we are not tired of reading them and your letter is unnecesarily rude and patronising. Then the light bulb clicked, and I read you are from Wellington - home of the Beehive inhabited by overpaid drones who sit around (if they show up of course) pontificating on ways of - not governing the country - but how they can forward their careers. C. Humphrey and others with brain power, are doing their best to alert apathetic NewZealanders to the dangers of a Maori-instigated written Constitution based on the Treaty. We accept that the Treaty is significant but, with our weak Government, Maori will try and twist it to enable them to take more power. This is what C. Humphrey and others are fighting against.

Mary Brooks, Avenues.


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