While we were sleeping: Apartheid

The suggestion that Kiwis don't need to worry about the Maori Party-initiated review of our constitution is ill-advised.
Under MMP, we've seen both sides of the House tip-toeing around all things Maori, and passing related legislation without any hard questions being asked about the truth, the justifications or the long term ramifications for all of us. In our own little worlds, it can be easy to think all is OK. But looking a bit deeper into undemocratic Maori influence on councils, government department propaganda, education and health organisations and you'll be amazed at what's going on and what it's costing us.
While we were sleeping, Apartheid has been securing itself. How can a racist regime be a good thing for Maori if it destroys New Zealand in the long term? The strategy for the constitutional review so far has been based on warm and fuzzy language that doesn't upset the punters.
So when the new constitution is passed by unprincipled politicians on both sides of the House, the truth will only gradually emerge as judges make their decisions on what it means in every day life. Judges who can't be voted out at the next election. Only at that point, will Kiwis realise that they should have taken more interest.

Fiona Mackenzie, Pahoia.

1 comment

right on Fiona

Posted on 29-06-2013 19:24 | By ianbarbara@xtra.co.nz

Apartheid started when Geoffrey Palmer put in place the rejected English draft to give Maori special rights over the rest of New Zealanders.the constitution that National and the Maori Party want to put in place is a Bolivian style constitution where you could be paying rent on your house and car to the Government and Maori. How could that be good for New Zealand. Ian Brougham Wanganui

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