Nominations open for Tauranga Council elections

Tauranga City Council chief executive Marty Grenfell.

Nominations for Tauranga City Council Mayor and Councillors are now open ahead of the city's first election in nearly five years.  

On July 20, the city will elect 10 new people to Council – the Mayor, eight general ward Councillors and one Councillor for the new Māori ward, Te Awanui.   

“This is one of the most transformational periods in Tauranga’s history,” says Marty Grenfell, Tauranga City Council Chief Executive.   

“We live in one of the fastest growing regions with a burgeoning economy playing an important role in the country’s prosperity, and we have a rich cultural history with an ever-increasing culture and arts scene. 

“If you’re excited and inspired by the developments of our city, this is your opportunity to be involved in its future.”  

The new council members will be making significant decisions for Tauranga’s current and future infrastructure and community services needs.

They will be responsible for managing close to $7 billion worth of assets and investing some $4.9 billion in new or upgraded assets over the next ten years.  

“As a city leader, you’ll be making decisions for the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of Tauranga’s communities, overseeing and working collaboratively with other elected members to make decisions about the future of our city,” says Marty.  

To stand for Council, candidates are required to be: 

•    A New Zealand citizen by birth or through a citizenship ceremony   

•    Enrolled to vote on the General or Māori roll 

•    Nominated by two people who are enrolled to vote in Tauranga.  
Nominations close on Friday, May 24, and nomination forms are now available on the Tauranga City Council elections webpage.  

Voting opens on Saturday, June 29, and closes on Saturday, July 20, at 12pm.

For more information, visit Council’s election webpage



Posted on 27-04-2024 09:22 | By Let's get real

I wonder how much genuine experience and expertise will be on show and how many megalomaniacs will crawl onto the stage.
Let's genuinely hope it's the former, because we've had far too much of the latter.

Don't stand...

Posted on 27-04-2024 12:14 | By morepork

... if you don't know what OPM stands for. If you are running a high level of personal debt, you probably won't have the understanding of priorities, budgets, and timing, that is required. If you do not have assets that cover your personal debt and could not cancel it completely if you had to, then you don't have the financial acumen to do this job. If your personal philosophy says you want everything NOW, and you are persuaded by glitz and glamour, think again before submitting your candidature. If you are impressed by "celebrity" and enjoy being in the limelight, you may need to rethink before standing. (You need to be able to handle this, not seek it.) You need to have clear thinking and reasoning and you need to have the courage to do what is right when pressed to do what is easy. You MUST love Tauranga.

Please no

Posted on 27-04-2024 21:57 | By Captain Hottie

I hope none of the clowns that were in council when it all imploded have the gall to stand again. Hopefully they've all got real jobs to keep them busy so don't need the baubles of office to lure them back. And perhaps the whole spectre of a commission coming back in will scare off the amateurs.

TGA back to a standstill

Posted on 28-04-2024 08:34 | By anotherone2

Very hard to be enthusiastic about TGA going back to a standstill.


Posted on 28-04-2024 13:10 | By morepork

While I understand your reservations, a standstill would be preferable to a headlong decline. It might be a "good thing" for all of us (elected AND the community), to pause and take stock of the current situation before we make decisions about new projects. The new Council will need to get the feel of their duties and responsibilities and a brief pause in new projects would do no harm at all.


Posted on 28-04-2024 18:58 | By Inmediasres


"If you do not have assets that cover your personal debt and could not cancel it completely if you had to, then you don't have the financial acumen to do this job".

What a poor comment. How many people in NZ, or the developed world, could genuinely do that???

Sure, people could sell their house to cancel their mortgage, but where would they live?

I sure hope that guy isn't running...

And @Captain Hottie and @anotherone2, exactly right!!!

@ Inmediares

Posted on 29-04-2024 13:40 | By morepork

Thank you. Your response confirms the point I was making. The "majority of people" do not have the financial acumen to manage our City. (The record actually speaks for itself...) If we DID have competent financiaI management, then we wouldn't be in the state we are in. If most people think it is fine to get into debt which they cannot cover, then I would prefer to not see those people handling OPM. How you handle your own money, is entirely a matter for you, but if you are going to handle MY money, then I have some "preferences". You conveniently missed the "HAD TO" in my statement; most of us will hopefully never HAVE to cover our debt exposure, at one moment. Nevertheless, wise people will ensure that they CAN. As for my running, I already stated here that I won't be, and the reasons why.

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