One standard for all

P Dey in criticising Cr. Lally's Maori ward stance (The Weekend Sun, December 8) fails to understand that councillors are elected to represent all of their community, including Maori, and advocate for all. A Maori ward is the opposite, being elected and answerable only to an ethnic group and required to promote their needs as opposed to that of the wider community. Promoters of Maori wards should reflect on the words of Massey University academic Dr Brian McDonnell of Tuhoe descent. 'We must have one standard of citizenship for all and the over-arching identity in the progressive NZ state must be unified citizenship, not class divisions based on 1840 groupings. The order in which your ancestors arrived as migrants, settlers to this country, cannot give you a constitutional status that is different from anyone else. We cannot have two types of citizenship depending on your ethnic group – one made up of people like myself who whakapapa back to iwi and hapu and those who don't. To embed this in some permanent way is intolerable. People who are born here belong to this land equally”. Special rights based on ethnicity will only sow the seeds of resentment and create a divided society.

R Prince, Welcome Bay.


Mr Prince

Posted on 15-12-2017 11:41 | By MISS ADVENTURE

Now isnt that the truth of it. Sow the seeds of separatism and segregation, the path will then be set down and unavoidable of being preferential to a few based singularly on colour.

The end game here...

Posted on 15-12-2017 17:05 | By MISS ADVENTURE

Is segregation and so aparthied

Must be SOOOOO obvious when

Posted on 15-12-2017 17:07 | By MISS ADVENTURE

A "Tuhoe descent" makes comments like that, wonder why Dey and others are so virmently entrenched and cant or refuse to denouce this kind of low level standards as being acceptable.

Mr Dey, Mr Bell......

Posted on 29-12-2017 21:19 | By groutby

...have you a comment to make on this article? it an opinion from one person?..a tribe perhaps or total inaccuracy?..Mr McDonnell has the academic knowledge and makes a fair point...actually, a very fair point.......

Your point of view doesn't even get off the ground

Posted on 06-01-2018 22:48 | By waxing

R Prince - your point of view doesn't even get off the ground since Cr Lally hasn't even responded to my questions to him with regard to his letter of 1 December querying how he consults with Maori. While our views differ markedly overall in this area, I suspect you wouldn't dispute that most Councillors don't consult with Maori and probably wouldn't know how to. So how can they represent them effectively in the role you give to Councillors of representing and advocating for all?

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