Homeless driving out businesses

One business is leaving Greerton and others are talking about not renewing their leases because of a growing issue with homeless vagrants, says Greerton Mainstreet manager Sally Benning.

She lays the blame on an organisation that has taken to feeding the hungry and homeless.

Businesses are threatening to leave Greerton because of increasing numbers of vagrants in the area.

'We have only become aware of it in the last six weeks. There is an organization, with very good intentions I'm sure, feeding the homeless on a Friday night outside one of the businesses.

'We commend them for what they are doing but we don't necessarily commend the place they are doing it.”

The food giveaway is two doors from a takeaway restaurant and another business opening in the evening.

'That business is moving out of Greerton next month,” says Sally.

'There are a couple of businesses in the block of shops who are making noises about not renewing leases, because they are seeing these people.”

Sally began working in Greerton last October and says they weren't experiencing the issues then.

Three or four of the homeless are well known to Greerton Mainstreet and police, says Sally.

'Very rarely does a week go by now where I'm not in contact with the police over these guys either sleeping in the alcove of the hall, and/or openly drinking alcohol in public places - and it is an alcohol free zone.

'The police have been in and trespassed one of these guys on two occasions in the last six weeks.”

It's happened before. They either get taken away or moved on and then they return.

'The concerning issue for us is the effect it is happening on local businesses,” says Sally.

There are two guys who are regularly sitting on the public footpath begging. The police tell her they can't do anything because it's a public space.

'As you can appreciate it is not a good look. The bigger issue around the guys sleeping rough or sleeping outside, they are all drinking.

'Very often on a Monday morning, I have to go and put my rubber gloves on and collect the debris. I don't have to but because it looks so awful; beer cans, booze boxes, wine boxes and whatever, so it is a public litter problem.”

Sally mentions the issue in her report to the city council Monitoring Committee meeting this week and was replying to a question from Councillor Bill Grainger.


Greerton Shops

Posted on 18-08-2016 11:40 | By Denny G

Publicising this issue will not improve the "look" of Greerton. In this case "less is best "


Posted on 18-08-2016 12:35 | By Colleen Spiro

All of Greerton is aware that the ANZ is going to the Lakes and there are rumours that the video shop is leaving...They are not affected by the homeless being fed.


Posted on 18-08-2016 12:37 | By Colleen Spiro

I also know of other businesses who are desperate to get into Greerton.


Posted on 18-08-2016 12:43 | By overit

Thats a shame Sally. To think I pay taxes for these people to booze it up and be a nuisance.

Tauranga a magnet

Posted on 18-08-2016 14:19 | By BullShtAlert

Just think about all the extra benefits that get spent on booze in the area as more and more homeless flock to Tauranga for its climate, scenery and homeless shelter. You can also set up a tent anywhere and camp for free. You won't get moved on or hassled by police.

Greerton Resident

Posted on 18-08-2016 14:38 | By What now

Perhaps the do gooders feeding these people could shift it to a church or and industrial area... Not a public shopping centre.. Sort of like feeding birds isn't it.

Hey Colleen,

Posted on 18-08-2016 15:46 | By Theway

There's a video shop in Greerton?

Had a chat one night

Posted on 18-08-2016 18:22 | By Angel74

to a homeless man camping out at bus shelter opposite the library, i mentioned the homeless shelter in the city; he new about it but wasn't at all interested......maybe something needs to be set up in Greerton for the homeless to go to at night.

Drinking Problem!

Posted on 18-08-2016 20:01 | By Calm Gully

Where do these guys get their money from for booze? I understand you cannot get a benifit without an address? There should be a way to donate FOOD vouchers not cash, as it is being wasted on booze. maybe a supermarket (Countdown could do vouchers - I would be happy to donate that not cash for booze) Drinking is a problem???


Posted on 19-08-2016 08:55 | By Colleen Spiro

There is a different between some homeless, "Streeties", some are called and people whose income, is not sufficient to pay for the adsorbent rents in this city now....Some people living in garages, cars etc, are being fed by these kind people....and yes Angel74...definitely needs to be more emergency housing in Tauranga...Selling State Housing is not going to help, and the video shop is closed in Greerton, but not due to the homeless


Posted on 19-08-2016 09:31 | By overit

There is no drinking and probably no drunks admitted into the night shelter, so many dont go. Also they are expected to shower. There is a certain mentality to these people, one that we could not understand.


Posted on 19-08-2016 12:55 | By Horsefly

Cant the elderly folks help out the homless? they have spare rooms that can offer accomodation? After all they dont pay that much tax any more?


Posted on 20-08-2016 15:37 | By morepork

ROFL! What makes you think the elderly are taxed any less than anybody else? Superannuation is taxed at the same rate as earned income of a similar amount. I had to smile at also at the suggestion that we should build homeless shelters in Greerton because they don't want to go to the existing one. The World does not owe any of us a living and tails should not wag dogs. Help the needy, not the greedy (lazy, boozed, doped, whatever...)


Posted on 23-08-2016 20:59 | By Boobytrap

@Oooooh. In what way do your taxes go to "these people"?. They do not collect a benefit. You can't if you don't have a home address. And don't worry about your precious taxes (you won't believe it now, but I can assure you that you will be making full use of the services provided by YOUR taxes in time. You will get old, you will have health problems, you will end up in Hospital. This is a given. You won't be complaining about YOUR taxes then.


Posted on 24-08-2016 18:12 | By overit

When I get old and I need a hospital, pension etc I will be at ease with it.I have worked since being 18, have not been a burden on the welfare state, hospitals. By the time I get to 68 the proposed age to receive a pension, I imagine I will still be working, hopefully part time. I am a good and proud Kiwi. I do not believe homeless get no dole and shall dig tomorrow to find out. I stand by my comment that I don't like my taxes going to unwashed drunks causing public nuisance. I do understand some of these people have mental issues and have been tossed out in the street.

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