LGNZ Conference WAG/HAB-free

Research interns at the Taxpayers' Union have today been informally surveying councils across New Zealand, and are happy to confirm that most councils have departed from the historic norm of spouses attending the Local Government New Zealand annual conference, which is being held this year in Dunedin.

'We're pleased to report that local governments' annual tradition of a boozy soirée on the dime of ratepayers has seemingly come to an end,” says Jordan Williams, Executive Director of the Taxpayers' Union.

'Either community pressure groups are becoming better at scrutinising local government spending decisions, or the prospect of a week in Dunedin wasn't tempting enough for the husbands and wives of the nation's mayors. "More and more local body politicians are realising that groups like ours are overlooking their spending decisions. Let's hope the ceasing of the annual LGNZ booze-up signals that the sector is talking its responsibilities to be prudent with ratepayers' money more seriously.

SOURCE: Office of the Taxpayers Union


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