Reprieve for hot house

Tauranga's tropical plant house on Cliff Road is here to stay – at least until a new Reserve Management Plan comes into play.

That's the message from city councillors following the latest round of Long Term Plan deliberations.

Cliff Road tropical plant house will be around for a little while longer. Photo: File.

Mayor Stuart Crosby opened the debate with the announcement that there is no Reserve Management Plan for the hot house, rose gardens and car parking area.

The plant house, which was to receive no funding from the end of June next year, will now remain until the plan process is complete.

There is currently no time span for the completion of the plan, but staff say it could take longer than a year to complete.

The process will have to fit into the existing work programme and have resources allocated.

Such a plan for Cliff Road will also have to look at Dive Crescent and discuss how the two parts of the city might work together.

Other options, such as retaining the hot house but relocating it, will be explored as part of that process.

Those in favour spoke to a gallery of around a dozen hot house supporters about the history and heritage that surrounds the 'peaceful place in the heart of the city”.

However, those opposing the motion spoke of money. The city has already spent $150,000 of ratepayers money on The Elms, and both Matt Cowley and John Robson spoke of The Elms as being the council investment in tranquil city centre green spaces.

Steve Morris also says The elms is the more important investment.

'I would put that ahead of the plant house in terms of priority,” says Steve.

'People might ask why consider spending two, four or eight million dollars on the waterfront when this is a measly $100,000. The funding for the waterfront is loan funded - it will be paid off over generations.

'Whereas the $100,000 is paid for by city ratepayers every year.”

John agreed with Steve, who added that while a proper plan for Cliff Road needs to be developed, it is a city plan issue.

'We gave a significant sum of money to The Elms, and part of the amount was to be used to enhance the gardens,” says John.

The motion was split, with Part A calling for a reserve management plan for Cliff Road being carried unanimously. Part B - retaining the tropical plant house until the completion of the plan - passed by seven to three.

There were 73 submissions on the hot house, with 37 opposing the closure, plus a 543-signature petition from the Tauranga South Gardening Club.

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More bureaucracy

Posted on 04-06-2015 10:30 | By Annalist

So there isn't a reserve management plan. Who cares? I think that more money in terms of highly paid staff time will be spent on dreaming up a plan, perhaps aided by the use of a weasel word processor, than is spent on maintaining the hot air house itself??? Use the hothouse money to support The Elms and be done with it, the commonsense choice.

No comprehend?

Posted on 04-06-2015 11:34 | By YOGI BEAR

So lets spend a year thinking, writing lots of reports and more bills, more consultants ... then at the end of it will be about election time and they wiil all run for cover again.

Prove the Cost!!

Posted on 04-06-2015 15:42 | By Mackka

I challenge the council to publish an itemized account as to how they spend $100,000 a year on the hot house. I have asked this question before but have been met with a deafening silence. It is pure bulls....t that this amount could possibly be spent annually on the hot house!! Lies !


Posted on 04-06-2015 19:11 | By expatAucklander

Put the money into something that moves the city forward into the 21st century instead of trying to prolong the life of this tired looking relic.

@ Mackka

Posted on 04-06-2015 22:13 | By Colleen Spiro

The contractor received $89,000 for services over the year. He receives $26,000 per year for plans and he/she receives $1000 for fertiliser etc......Personally I think the TCC should be taken to TASK for an absolute escalated sum of money paid to the contractor....Bloody criminal...

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